A bit of fun

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

Try the link below to see what you were in your former life in Egypt.

Me? - A Pharoah of course!

Come on in

-- Anonymous, April 26, 2001



Your job was arguably the most important in Ancient Egypt: you made mummies. People believed the body needed to be preserved in order to move to the afterlife. You mummified bodies by purifying them, then removing all their hair and organs, except the heart. When the body was dry, you stuffed it with sawdust and added oils and perfumes to the skin, which you then wrapped to preserve it for eternity. Only people who could afford to do so were mummified, but you sometimes mummified the bodies of friends after they died, even if they did not have the money. You had a wife and three sons, whom you taught the family business. The most important job of your life was when you were responsible for the mummification of the pharaoh. When you died, your son

-- Anonymous, April 26, 2001

I should have added:

Name: Djedkare

Occupation: Pharaoh

You were the ruler of Egypt! A strong leader, you were known to order the execution of anyone who did not support your throne. Tall, statuesque and healthy, you had many wives and numerous concubines. The throne was inherited from your father upon his murder. Feared by many and loved by most, you forced many slaves to build your grand tomb in the tradition of the great pyramids. Your duties kept you busy, but you always made time to dally with your concubines and attend grand social banquets. As the most important member of society, your burial chamber was very big and full of gold, jewels, and food, of which people believed were needed in the afterlife.

This only worked with Pilgrim. If I used several versions of my own name I was a drunken ship's captain, a scribe and a Priestess!

Thanks for stuffing me De B!

-- Anonymous, April 26, 2001

It doesn't work for me - maybe I'm in my first incarnation!

-- Anonymous, April 26, 2001

If you want a laugh, try Screacher!

-- Anonymous, April 26, 2001

Cool I was a priestess who everyone wanted to shag but I wasn't putting out....

-- Anonymous, April 26, 2001

Mick Wadsworth!

Ancient Egyptians conceived their idea of mummification by watching scarabs such as yourself die and then rise again from the earth. In truth, what appeared to be immortality at work was actually your process of laying eggs in the soil and animal dung. It was also believed that your ally, the Sun God Ra, infused you with a special power over life and death. This gift inspired fear in many as it allowed you to consume the life and flesh of mortals. Your own life was brief - only three years - but your power was great and you were used as the model for a priestess's magical amulet after your death.

-- Anonymous, April 26, 2001

Woof! Who let the Dogs out?? Seems Doug & Fred were right all along :-(

-- Anonymous, April 26, 2001

I got the Pharoah as well. Bloody good graphics on tha site.

-- Anonymous, April 26, 2001

Teacher :-)

-- Anonymous, April 26, 2001

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