write an cd

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

I want to write an movie file which have an dat extension & the capacity of 710 mb with the help of yahama cd-writer 8x,8x,32x.

If you can help me please tell me as soon as posiable.

Pawan kumar

-- pawankumarsaxena (pawankumarsaxena@rediffmail.com), April 26, 2001


If you burn a .mpg that is VCD compatiable it will automatically make .dat files if you use NERO. Thus, take your movie file preferably larger than 352x240 and convert it to that resolution. Your audio must by 224 bps and mpeg1 layer2. Thus to do it get either flask or tmpgenc or one that costs money. I tested a lot of encoders and he best bets for speed are Cinemacraft and LSX using Flask. Other encoders are TPG (Tusamia) or Panasonic or BBenc.

You can do the video and audio together or multiplex later. Thus if you make a movie you can add sound later like the professionals and then multiplex.


-- Bill (ad109@lafn.org), April 26, 2001.

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