Medical Ethics?? Is this an oxymoron?? : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

The Duty to Die

By Thomas Sowell (April 27, 2001) A medical ethicist says that "health care should be withheld even for those who want to live" if they have already lived beyond the politically correct number of years -- which he suggests might be 75. He says that, after such a "full rich life" then "one is duty-bound to die." How did we get sucked into collectivizing decisions that were once up to individuals

Unfortunately wrong link is posted for this article..Probably can get the right one next week, when they archive it if they don't fix the link sooner

-- Anonymous, April 26, 2001


I see the link is for "Capitalism Magazine." Figures that a jerk like that would be the mouthpiece of their attitude.

I'm sure that given international attention like this, he has lived a richer life then most, and will be happy to bow out at 65. Or thirty, if he's even gotten to that ripe old age yet. Sheesh.

-- Anonymous, April 26, 2001

Hi Firemouse.. I think i can find lots to disagree with in both the "medical ethicists" viewpoint, and in Sowell's critique of it, which i suspect will amount to no more than saying he should be entitled to live to 160 if he is rich enough to pay for the latest in medical wizardry..

-- Anonymous, April 26, 2001

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