RUSH LIMBAUGH - On the rudeness of Caroline Kennedy and her friends to Laura Bush : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

I'm not fond of Rush Limbaugh but his opinion here is one I strongly agree with.

As you longtime listeners know, I am forever your thick-skinned Maha Rushie. Those of you who know me know I am a harmless, lovable fuzzball, and you know that I could fill weeks of programming detailing the insults that have been spewed at me by liberals. These are the same liberals who supposedly love mankind and celebrate diversity and respect talent and yet hate me - even though I am part of mankind, I am diverse, and I am talented.

But what I have a tough time handling is when these snobs, these liberals, these pretenders, these decadent decedents who epitomize hypocrisy, humiliate someone that I respect and I admire. That's just what happened to Laura Bush Tuesday night, at the same museum where I was repeatedly treated badly at the 60 Minutes 25th Anniversary Dinner.

Liberals will take any excuse to throw a party. Their excuse for holding this party was to celebrate the dresses, clothes and fashion worn by Jackie O in the White House forty long years ago. As such, the current first lady, Laura Bush, was invited - to the cocktail hour only. In short, our first lady was dissed. She was laughed at and made fun of behind her back by the assembled liberal elitists.

Why was Laura Bush treated this way? For what reason was she humiliated? What did she ever do to these classless, liberal snobs? The only thing she ever did was this: she replaced Hillary, their creation, their icon. Caroline Kennedy Schlossberg said of Hillary, "She interpreted the role of first lady for our times."

What does that mean? She let her husband sleep around? She let her husband get BJs in the Oval Office while she didn't know about it? She's one of the smartest women in the world and her husband is making her a laughingstock, and this is 'interpreting the role of first lady for our times'?" Hillary showed up in some leopard-print outfit, by the way. They took her from being an Arkansas bumpkin where you can't tell where the knees end and the ankles begin - you really can't, if you've noticed.

In any case, I defended the honor of the first lady on my program, and was pleased to take some calls from listeners who hadn't heard about the slights - but were glad to hear someone defending Mrs. Bush.

More here.

-- Anonymous, April 27, 2001

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