CIRCUS ANIMALS - Ringling Bros. train derails : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

The article doesn't give the most important information, whether this is the "Red" or the "Blue" unit. Gunther Gable Williams, beefcake tiger trainer is with one unit, but he's already been claimed by a former friend of mine. Some stodgy lion trainer and a cute trapeze artist by the name of Francisco (who tried to pick me up years ago and gave me a tour backstage) on the other. Inquiring minds want to know. And please, tell those elephants then can't all stand on their left foots at the same time, that's probably what happened, right?

Ringling Bros. train derails, no injuries

By Associated Press, 5/1/2001 11:47

WORCESTER, Mass. (AP) Seven cars of a mile-long circus train derailed Tuesday, but no one was hurt.

Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus said the derailment happened around 4 a.m. just outside Worcester. The train, carrying 230 people and 40 animals including elephants and tigers, was traveling from Philadelphia to Providence, R.I.

Forty-eight unaffected train cars were reconfigured to carry the displaced workers and animals, and the circus arrived in Providence by midmorning.

The cause of the derailment has not been determined, circus officials said.

The circus is scheduled to open Wednesday at the Providence Civic Center. Circus spokeswoman Katherine Kerley said that the animals would be ready to perform then.

''Our handlers are on the cars with them,'' Kerley said ''They are there to calm them down and make sure they're not spooked or anything.''

The circus' four-legged star, Bo the elephant, was not on the train since he travels in a separate vehicle.

-- Anonymous, May 02, 2001


Response to Ringling Bros. train derails

link to story

Lucky Bo. Must be one huge limo.

Glad no one was hurt. Reminds me of a book I read a year or so ago, about a circus family during the depression era. Can't remember the name.....

-- Anonymous, May 02, 2001

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