Newcastle Airport : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

I am going to Newcastle this October and probably go to one other city of Europe for leisure. If I am going to depart from Newcastle airport, which city of Europe I can travel to? How I can get further information?

Thanks for anyone's help!!!

-- Anonymous, May 03, 2001


Amsterdam might be woth a visit.

Look on Naughty girls in" for more info.

-- Anonymous, May 03, 2001

Can't remember how detailed the info is, but the airport's website is

-- Anonymous, May 03, 2001

They do nice flights to Norway.

-- Anonymous, May 03, 2001

Scheduled flights to Paris, Brussels, Hamsterjam, Dublin, Dusseldorf, at least.

-- Anonymous, May 03, 2001

British Airways have just started flights to Dublin from Newcastle, thats a top night out is Dublin.

-- Anonymous, May 04, 2001

Thanks for all of your help. You are all so nice.

-- Anonymous, May 04, 2001

Thanks, Gilbert. I'm generally regarded as the nicest on here .

Where are you arriving from?

-- Anonymous, May 04, 2001

Dusselforf is only £80 at the moment through Luthansa. That's a bargain if I ever saw one.

-- Anonymous, May 04, 2001

I am living in Hong Kong. Rik, of course I know you are popular in this BBS....!!

This is going to be my third time to Newcastle. I was at St. James' while we played for that disatrous derby last Novemeber and also the next winning game against Liverpool.

For this coming September, I will also come specially for the home games. I will confirm the dates of my trip once the fixture of the coming season published.

I am planning to arrive Newcastle on one Saturday and then go for the match. Departs from Newcastle to one city in Europe and then return to Newcastle on the next weekend. Thus I must choose the weekends which have two home games consecutively.

Probably, I will go to Chester le Street again to meet our starlets.

-- Anonymous, May 04, 2001

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