Lucky : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

Admitting his 0-4 record is not impressive "on paper," trainers >announced that Lucky, a German shepherd guide dog for the blind in >Wuppertal, Germany, is available for his fifth owner. Lucky led his first >owner in front of a bus, killing him. Then he led the second off the end of >a pier, drowning him. He nudged his third owner off a railway platform in >front of an express train, killing him. And he walked his fourth owner into >heavy traffic, abandoning him to be hit and killed. The new owner won't be >told of Lucky's record -- the trainers say the dog might sense nervousness >"and do something silly." >

-- Anonymous, May 11, 2001


Ooo! Can we sign him up for the current occupant of the White House?!

-- Anonymous, May 11, 2001

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