Should a photographer know how to be a model? : LUSENET : People Photography : One Thread

How does a photographer learn to be effective in working with a model? I am a reasonably good people person, but I still feel as though there is an ackwared relationship between the model and I. As I live in fear of being called a hypocrite, this is my question.

Should a photographer know how to be a model?

In asking one for a certain position, often squinting into a reflector or sunlight, torso contorted, back arched, and legs vertical...(only partially kidding)...

should we walk the walk?

-- Don Leonard (, May 16, 2001



The way you treat the models you work with will be a major test of your professionalism. In my opinion, it's very important to know what it feels like to be a model.

I recall that at one of the most famous figure workshops, all the photographers had to photograph each other nude.

On a related topic; it's important to note that for many people, being a model is an entry to the worlds of fashion, photography, and adervertsing. Many top photographers, editors, fashion directors, etc... started as models.


-- Brian Yarvin (, May 16, 2001.

I think it should be amended to say this:

In order to be a good photographer, one needs to have experience working with models.

If the only model he/she can have experience with is him/herself, then that's all he/she can do.

-- edward kang (, May 16, 2001.

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