Woman bites off testicles

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Carl, beat you to this story.


Woman Bites Off Chicago Man's Testicles CHICAGO (Reuters) - A woman walked into Chicago Police headquarters early on Friday and handed over a pair of testicles she said she had bitten off a man who had sexually assaulted her, police said.

``During the assault, the female victim got the man's testicles in her mouth and bit them off,'' Officer Thomas Donegan told Reuters.

The woman presented the testicles at police headquarters, a short walk from where the alleged attack occurred, Donegan said.

The man found his way to a local hospital where he underwent unsuccessful reattachment surgery and was being questioned by police.

The woman, 42, was treated at another hospital and released.

-- Anonymous, May 18, 2001


I don't know who taught her self defense, but she got right to the heart of the matter, didn't she?

Good for her...

-- Anonymous, May 19, 2001

And yes, Beckie, you scooped me on this one....

-- Anonymous, May 19, 2001

Talk about Jaws. . .

-- Anonymous, May 19, 2001

Gad, that woman's got balls! Um, let me rephrase that. . .

-- Anonymous, May 19, 2001

Definately something she could sink her teeth into.

-- Anonymous, May 19, 2001

if more ladies could do this, ........there'd be LESS of these attacts!

-- Anonymous, May 20, 2001



I for one am glad that his reattachment was a failure.

-- Anonymous, May 20, 2001

Rapist are having a bad month it seems...

Karate Chops Ardor of Molesters

COLOMBO (Reuters) - Four Sri Lankan men got more than they bargained for when they tried to molest two women in a central Sri Lankan town - - only to find one of their would-be victims was a karate champion, a newspaper said on Thursday.

The men had grabbed the two women and dragged them into a bush by the road leading to the town of Matale when one of women started to fight back, said the Daily News.

It said two of the men were felled by neat blows ``where men are most vulnerable,'' while the other two bolted.

The newspaper identified the women as Dulcia Sirisena, who was recently named Grand Champion at the Open Karate Championships in India.

The four assailants were later arrested by police.

http ://dailynews.yahoo.com/h/nm/20010524/od/karate_dc_1.html

-- Anonymous, May 25, 2001

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