Clarky..... : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

Just been scrolling down the previous threads of late and came across the Ronnie Biggs one where Ken was giving it some welly with you about the subject.

It is a classic ITK/Stew Canel holds barred. I can just vision him spitting into the keyboard!

There is now a definite void on this board..but who the hell will fill it?

-- Anonymous, May 21, 2001


Got to agree Andy. As Softie said on the tribute thread, I also often didn't see eye-to-eye with Ken but our "discussions" were always laced with good humour, such that you always knew there was no malice of bad feeling involved. He was also, of course, the arch wind- up merchant and you had to be on your guard that he wasn't simply winding you up to solicit an ill-considered response. There were numerous occasions when Ken and I would on line on our own late at night, chatting as you would with a mate in the pub.
I had the highest regard for my friend ITK, and I will miss him badly. As for this bbs, we'll just have to carry on as best we can - perhaps all of us will need to work just a little bit harder to keep the quality of debate in this marvellous place 'sparky' - in the way Ken would wish it to be.

-- Anonymous, May 22, 2001

Whoops sorry!

-- Anonymous, May 22, 2001

He'd jump on you for that Clarky!!

-- Anonymous, May 22, 2001

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