WinOnCD 3.8 PE - Merry Christmas! : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

The RAR file is 72MB. serial: 02246-61716328K

-- KevMan (, May 22, 2001


Thanks, extremely slow but i need it

-- Deckard (, May 23, 2001.

where can i find winoncd 3.8

-- baoleh (, May 24, 2001.

how do you now open the file once downloaded? rename .rar to ? thanx

-- RA (, May 31, 2001.

You need a free program call WinRAR. It is like WinZip. Find it at, install, and open the RAR file. Just like WinZip.

-- Jso (, June 04, 2001.


-- dddd (, July 05, 2001.

When I tried to install winoncd, the install program fails when it is about copy files. Does any one have this problem? I am using Win2K.

-- vkolli (, July 22, 2002.

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