Rare camel born at San Diego zoo

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Camels are pretty foul-tempered as it is, so I guess an extra dose of PMS would go unnoticed.


Rare camel born at San Diego Zoo

By Associated Press, 5/23/2001 19:43

SAN DIEGO (AP) A rare Mongolian camel was born Wednesday at the San Diego Zoo, to the surprise of keepers who said they didn't know the mother was pregnant.

The baby, a male, and its mother, Sassy, were moved from the Bactrian camel exhibit to a maternity pen and remain on public view.

Zookeepers said Sassy was the last of the zoo's five camels to shed her bulky winter coat, which concealed her pregnancy.

The baby, who has not been named, will be weighed Thursday. Caretakers guessed its weight at between 60 and 85 pounds.

When fully grown, the camel could tip the scales at 2,000 pounds. Only about 500 two-humped Bactrian camels remain in the wild.

-- Anonymous, May 24, 2001

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