Mornin Buff! : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

How ya doin? (:o)

-- Anonymous, May 27, 2001


I`ve been up since 5.30 am. Just watched the most odd performance in the garden - a squirrel and two magpies having a right royal punch up. The squirrel won!(:o)

-- Anonymous, May 27, 2001

Mornin Galaxy, At work now, what a bootiful day, 5.30 this morning jes sitting having a cuppa. like yourself, watching the bird table, two magpies made their appearance as per usual for the main course,my two swallows who have nested in the barn for six years commenced their early morning calisthenics , and our most welcome visitors of the past two months , ciskerns, how many I know not , they really are some bird. The three cats who are now so very brave in this weather,now staying out all night commenced rehearsals around the garden for "You are being framed", Bennachie was so clear 40 miles away,the sea ten miles east, I could have sat longer.

Never really changes when you drive and get to work, 13mins-13 miles, you dodge rabbitts and a hare this morning on the way in,spot the occasional deer, and you are welcomed at the largest facility of its kind in Europe by six ducks from the fire pond, move further afield into the flare area and at last count 40 pair nesting Artic Terns, barely a mile away from work, Loch of Strathbeg home and halfway house for approx 10,000 to 15,000 geese who flit from Russia to Canada and back. Glad you reminded me Galaxy, sometimes I take this existence for granted, the thoughts of the M25 world fear me.

-- Anonymous, May 27, 2001

Ah.....simple pleasures Buff!

The one good thing about getting up early and going to shows was driving through the forest.......magic! (:o)

-- Anonymous, May 27, 2001

Buff - where are you ?

In Manchester it rained lat night and the sky is completely overcast.

Josh - 09:20 Sunday

-- Anonymous, May 27, 2001

Mornin` Josh! I`m in not so `sunny` Bournemouth, where it is overcast and bliddy freezing! (:o)

-- Anonymous, May 27, 2001

That makes me feel better. Are you showing your hounds today ?

-- Anonymous, May 27, 2001

Nope! I`ve decided that with all the extra responsibilities I have now, since we lost my Dad, I just haven`t got the time. Need to have a more homebased interest, so I am reviving my cat breeding hobby. Watched the coverage of Crufts yesterday though. The Toy Group was very strong, and the Utility Group wasn`t bad either. The Shih-Tzu, which is what I have, went third in the Group, and is owned by a very dear friend of mine - so it was a real treat to see her doing so well. (:o)

-- Anonymous, May 27, 2001

I'll have to see if Crufts is on today - the bairns enjoy it. They'd love a dog but its not fair as Mrs Josh works 2 days a week and we don't feel that a dog should be left that long.

One day maybe.

-- Anonymous, May 27, 2001

They are a dreadful tie. Especially puppies - and older dog would probably cope with being left. Big decision though, and you are right to give it lots of thought.

Pleased the kids enjoy watching Crufts though. I suppose they watch Animal Hospital as well?(:o)

-- Anonymous, May 27, 2001

Yep - and Discovery when there's a wildlife program on. That loony Australian mucking about with crocs and snakes ...

-- Anonymous, May 27, 2001

Does he annoy you? I just want to see something take a great big chunk out of him! (:o)

-- Anonymous, May 27, 2001

Apparently he got bitten the other day - no chunks unfortunately.

I'm off to make breakfast.

See ya

-- Anonymous, May 27, 2001

Josh - if you've still got that Dog I left in the fridge you can give it to the bairns. But I don't think they'll like it ;-)

Rotten o'night weather. I have to finish the garden before I head out to Brussels after the GP. Could have done with the rain :-(

-- Anonymous, May 27, 2001

Galaxy, Pretty hard hitting write up in the People today I think ? by that ex tv vet, Ingles?, Scandal of the Crufts Cyberdogs,quoting Bulldogs struggling to breathe, Pekinese with inflamed eyes, Boxers deformed jaws, Poodles losing their coats, Shar-Pel has skin infections. He is argueing that a small percentage of breeders are trophy mad amongst other things, -:

-- Anonymous, May 27, 2001

I agree with some of what he is saying Buff. There are indeed some very disreputable breeders. I honestly can`t say what the ratio of good to bad breeeders is. Having spent 15 years showing, I would love to be able to say that the majority of breeders know what they are doing - unfortunately I can`t. Many of the top `names` in the showing world would not bear close scrutiny.

The KC has a lot to answer for too. They have a well run organisation perfectly well equiped to `tighten up` on standards. They wash their hands of it though by passing responsibility to the Breed Clubs - while they themselves rake in the money.

The whole breeding/showing thing needs to be taken by the scruff of the neck and shaken. There is a dire need for honest judges, honest appraisals, honest breeders .........oh....don`t get me started!!!

Don`t get me wrong, there are some extremely knowledgeable and totally honest breeders too. But I would strongly advise anyone buying a puppy to do their homework. Find out about the breed, it`s possible problems (and all breeds have them) and visit the breeder several times to look at the conditions under which the dogs are raised. Ask direct and searching questions about hereditary problems. Don`t under any circumstances buy a puppy because you feel sorry for it.

I`ll stop soapbox is wobbly! (:o)

-- Anonymous, May 27, 2001

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