Tomato plants (why are they dying?) : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

My tomato plants, they have dry leaves and are dying they are nice plants but i am afraid they will all take this . the leaves are black. if anyone has a answer please let me know . I have put merical grow on them ,also mulched with straw, some had rabbit manure with it . please help !!! Sherry

-- Sherry Bennett (, May 29, 2001


Response to Tomato plants

It sounds like your plants got hit with frost. I dont know where you live but in Pa. where I live You shouldn't plant before the may 15. I know it isn't much help, depending on how big they are cut the bottom out of a 1 gallon milkjug and sit that over the top of them.

-- Herb Miller (, May 29, 2001.

See the (just) earlier thread entitled "tomatoe question (what is causing them to die?) (2001-05-28)".

-- Don Armstrong (, May 30, 2001.

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