screenplay : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

i've just started writing a screenplay for a film. I know i'm not the best writer in the world, but i have an idea and the industry bible on screenwriting. The thing is, i need feedback! The basic story is planned and ready to be worked on, can you help?

-- Anonymous, May 31, 2001


I'm with you, I come cheap too .... 2% of the first £million and then 1% every million thereafter

-- Anonymous, May 31, 2001

you'll not be interested in any casting couch stuff will you?

-- Anonymous, May 31, 2001

it's difficult trying to fit in the floosie, the corporate lap dancers and then starry-eyed hopefuls as well, if you're short I'm sure I can help :0)

What do you really want help on ?

-- Anonymous, May 31, 2001

just on the quality of idea, ability to grip your attention etc...

the idea is to set the film where i'm living and pitch it to an audience with a, its not a 'hollywood' film, but the aim is mass appeal, you get the drift?

-- Anonymous, May 31, 2001

Lock, Stock and Two Bottles o'Dog?

-- Anonymous, May 31, 2001

test me

-- Anonymous, May 31, 2001

i'll write a plot suitable for a quick read and mail it to you after work tonight, 2 hours?

-- Anonymous, May 31, 2001

Let me guess Swift, a thriller involving the amorous adventures of a geordie Lothario working in Spain? 'Women on the Verge of a Nervous Breakdown' meets 'Gets Carter'?

-- Anonymous, May 31, 2001

I don't work at the moment so you can send whenever :0)

-- Anonymous, May 31, 2001

half of the posters on the board don't work mac :-)

-- Anonymous, May 31, 2001

When asked at a seminar how many people worked at my company I won a t-shirt for the "50%" answer

-- Anonymous, May 31, 2001

the mails off to you boys

-- Anonymous, May 31, 2001

I'll have a look if you like.

-- Anonymous, May 31, 2001

love to help out if you're still looking....

-- Anonymous, May 31, 2001

Howay Min! Thought you were working as a hobbit down in Queenstown...

-- Anonymous, May 31, 2001


Dan, you are the man, being a proper writer and all that!

-- Anonymous, June 01, 2001

If they broadcast 'Slapbang' in Spain you might revise your opinion. :@)

-- Anonymous, June 01, 2001

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