WOO - Why rivers flow but one way

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread

Long ago, before the world changed, all the animal people came together for a big

meeting. Eagle was the headman of the gathering. He lived up high, in the top of a tall tree. Whenever the people wanted to decide anything important, they called up to him as he sat in the tree, and he gave them his opinion.

Each of the animal people at the meeting had a chance to say what he thought. Even Raven and Mink, who were slaves, told the others what they believed should be done. Raven's opinion was so good that he became known as a wise man.

For a long time the people argued about the direction in which the rivers should flow. Should they flow up or down, or both up and down? All but Raven thought that one side of all rivers should run up the mountains and the other side should run down. All the rivers should go up as far as the falls, they said, and then should turn round and come back.

"What do you think of our plan?" they called up to Eagle.

"I agree with you," answered Eagle. "If the rivers go both ways, the new people who are to come will have an easy time. It will not be hard to go upstream, and it will not be hard to go downstream. What does Raven think ?"

"I don't agree with you," replied Raven. "If the rivers turn round at the falls, salmon will have no chance to stop. They will go up as far as the falls, and then they will come right back again. Where will they spawn:' And how will the new people catch them' I think that all rivers should flow but one way."

"Raven is right," agreed Mink. "The people will have a very hard time catching salmon if the rivers run both ways."

"I think the rivers should go but one way," repeated Raven. "And I think that at all the bends in the streams there should be little eddies."


The Animal People helped in the planning and the arranging of the ancient world.

-- Anonymous, June 01, 2001

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