What you don't spend money on when you're not getting any

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What else do you save money on when you're not getting laid (or dating anyone, or whatever)?

-- Anonymous, June 02, 2001


Cell phone bills. My last two boyfriends lived out of town and worked business all over the place. My cell phone bills came in over $100.00 every month. I feel like a geek when it's only like $50.00 now.

-- Anonymous, June 02, 2001

i find myself eating out less, spending less on cell phone bills, credit card bills, perfume & makeup, clothes.. being with someone makes you totally broke and to think i just got out of a two year relationship. i could've owned a brand new car for all that money! stupid boys.

-- Anonymous, June 02, 2001

Hmm.. I actually don't find my finances change much depending on whether I'm in a relationship or not. I pretty much keep myself well stocked in condoms whether I'm in a specific relationship or not and I've never had a relationship where we didn't go "dutch" when it comes to movies, dinners, that sort of thing. The perfume/lotion/shaving stuff doesn't apply, seeing as I don't wear perfume or lotion and keep myself as shaved as I'm going to get regularly anyway..

But I think there's some legitimacy when it comes to the condom 3-packs, such as the one night stand, the fling with someone other than your regular partner(s) if you don't use condoms with them.. stuff like that. Or trying out a new brand or new specialty sort of thing (such as ribbed, etc.)

-- Anonymous, June 02, 2001

I can't say I miss the 20 minute phone call to England = $55 part of my last relationship...

-- Anonymous, June 03, 2001

Probably just the eating out less applies to me...I've never been in a relationship that required long-distance phone calls.

Is it just me, or is there any other girl that suffers major trauma going to buy condoms? I know everybody gets them, and that's what they're there for...but I still freak out.

Katie, I wish I could be as brash as you, and even freak OTHER people out while I was there!

-- Anonymous, June 03, 2001

I don't mind buying them at all. I actually kind of like it for some reason. Probably that whole "Look! I'm getting laid, people! Woohoo!"

-- Anonymous, June 03, 2001

Oh, I *hate* buying them!! Reason is that the chemist near our university has a 10% discount day for students once a week and that's when I always buy them (yeah, I'm cheap, so shoot me). Problem is, obviously that's also the day when it's packed with students and people I know. There are enough rumours about me and *ahem* as it is; seeing me buy condoms just makes it that much worse...

-- Anonymous, June 04, 2001

"Chemist"? Is that like a British term for "pharmacist"?

-- Anonymous, June 05, 2001

yay for censorship

-- Anonymous, June 05, 2001

Hey, grow up, or get off the boards. Read the board disclaimer.

-- Anonymous, June 05, 2001

That's realy funny, you telling *me* to grow up when you're the one running around the 'net w/ your "look at me!! i'm getting laid!" crap.

btw.. so i'm not talking about you behind yr back or anything.., http://www.livejournal.com/users/crazyveigh/day/2001/06/05

-- Anonymous, June 05, 2001

Everyone here is so immature...and yes that includes me, i guess...i'm done with all this crap but katie i still think all you want is attention, and that's still annoying

-- Anonymous, June 05, 2001

Well, the thing is that you've taken everything I've ever remotely said about sex the wrong way. I don't know why, or how, but you have. And once you have it in your head that I'm "bragging," (which, if you had any understanding of things like TONE and CONTEXT, you'd understand that I'm not bragging at all) it doesn't matter what I say, because you're not going to change your mind. Which is fine. So, go ahead and bash me in your journal -- I'll thank you ahead of time for your contribution to my hit count.

-- Anonymous, June 05, 2001

I've noticed that, also: a lot of people really do not pick up on Katie's tone when it comes to ALOT of stuff. The college thing, the crisis thing, even little stuff. Like I noticed on the Oprah board that some people thought Katie was seriously trashing Oprah and Dr. Phil. She's not, yall. She's just putting a spin on it and turning it into something damn funny. Same thing with the condoms. She observed something when she was buying them and so she wrote about it. That is NOT bragging, and I really don't get why people are saying it is. You're really not getting the gist of her writing, then. At all.

-- Anonymous, June 05, 2001

yeah. she didn't trash dr phill, she just called him an asshole. there's a huge difference.

-- Anonymous, June 05, 2001

"I don't mind buying them at all. I actually kind of like it for some reason. Probably that whole "Look! I'm getting laid, people! Woohoo!""

you were being sarcastic, correct?

it doesn't seem that way lately. especially when you say it again. and again. and again.

i've read your journal for awhile. and most likely i'll continue to. but i've had to overlook all that crap for too long.

you wont get that many hits off me. but the fact that the thought pleases you only furthurs me to think you do it all for attention.

some people write to vent, to get their thoughts out, yadi, yadi. in the past, it seemed like you did that. i thought you were like me.

i'll just wait patiently for the day when eric goes away and you can go back to being "normal katie" again...

-- Anonymous, June 05, 2001

"i'll just wait patiently for the day when eric goes away and you can go back to being 'normal katie' again..."

Don't hold your breath, babe.

It stuns me how people can be so shocked that Katie might be looking for attention. She's been writing an online journal talking about herself and her life for like three or four years, mentions that she's a sucker for a high hit count, and people are STILL surprised that she looks for attention. Shit, why else WOULD someone put a journal site up? Why would someone put up ANY kind of web site except to attract attention. My web site has been around in one form or another since 1995, and it's primary purpose has been to attract attention to ME ME ME ME ME. Because I want people to read the stuff that I write and think, "Wow, that Egolf kid, he's pretty funny." And let me know. Sometimes it's more successful than others. That's what personal websites are FOR. You think Katie really gives a shit that Joe Schmoe in Schenectady knows that Katie had a bad day at K-Mart in April 1999? No. But to know that someone in Schenectady is reading her stuff? Yeah, that's the goal. The purpose of digital ink, along with every other journal out there, and every other personal page out there, is to entertain the readership and attract attention to the writer. Not necessarily in that order.

And don't assume that this "sudden" change from "normal Katie" into "attention-seeking Katie" is my doing. I'm not NEARLY that persuasive.

-- Anonymous, June 05, 2001


"yay for censorship"

Don't think of it as censorship... think of it more as a violation of the Terms Of Service.

-- Anonymous, June 05, 2001

"I don't mind buying them at all. I actually kind of like it for some reason. Probably that whole "Look! I'm getting laid, people! Woohoo!"" you were being sarcastic, correct?

Sort of; I'm not sure "sarcastic" is the right word. Satirical? Shit, where's a thesaurus when you need one? I wasn't being serious, at any rate. Except about the "I don't mind buying them at all" thing -- that's true.

it doesn't seem that way lately. especially when you say it again. and again. and again.

I honestly wasn't even aware of the fact that I mention sex with any frequency. Other than the obvious allusions, like the entry where I bitch out my uterus. But that isn't to brag, it's to be funny (well, to me it's funny, but whatever). And there was the whole speculation about pregnancy, which would obviously have to do with me having sex, but I'm not the one who was talking about it.

Anyway, I was one of maybe four virgin females in my class in high school, and everybody else was constantly rubbing it in everyone else's faces that they were getting laid. It drove me crazy. So why would I do the same thing? I'm occasionally mentioning or alluding, not sitting in study hall screaming, "HEY! I GOT BOOTY LAST NIGHT!"

you wont get that many hits off me. but the fact that the thought pleases you only furthurs me to think you do it all for attention.

See Eric's post above for your answer to that one. It's sort of like, "If life hands you lemons, make lemonade." If somebody is going to take something I say the wrong way and complain about me in her journal, hey, look on the bright side! I'm still getting something good out of it.

i'll just wait patiently for the day when eric goes away and you can go back to being "normal katie" again...

"Normal Katie" being...?

-- Anonymous, June 05, 2001

I have a question. Laura said something (that has been deleted) about how it's "disgraceful" or something for Katie to casually mention sex or whatever. This coming from the girl who bragged on her website after Eric used her for sex, just because she wanted to piss Katie off? (I still can't figure out why anyone would want to brag about being a one-time fuck, a.k.a. "Just a Hole," but...) And now Laura, you "casually" mention sex and, more often, drug use. But Katie is bragging and Laura is not? What the hell is that?

-- Anonymous, June 09, 2001

"disgraceful"? i said no such thing.

the tryst with eric was two years ago, as was writing in a journal for strangers- and i didn't do it to make katie jealous. katie and i settled eric-related hostilities quite a while ago; it's kinda unnerving that uninvolved people still talk about it, much less remember the thing in such detail.

if you're talking about my journal now, i have no idea why anyone other than my friends read it. i'm not ashamed or anything- i just don't understand how it would appeal to random online people. are they just nosy? is my command of the language just so wonderful that people will run to livejournal to read about my date with P at Q? i don't get it. it's online because my friends keep journals online at the same site, and we all comment on one another's- i.e., mention of dropping acid at baker beach will serve as a note to people who wanted to hang out that weekend, and also as a recommendation for um, a great place to drop acid. and my social group is so chock full of drama and business that public posting of who's dating whom, who's working where, who's doing what, is the easiest way to keep up. if you "don't get it" or think that's entirely stupid, good, because it's not for you.

-- Anonymous, June 09, 2001

Okay, but still, how is Katie mentioning sex different from you (or anyone) mentioning sex and drugs? Why is she "bragging", and no-one else is? Seems like a double standard to me.

-- Anonymous, June 09, 2001

*i* don't think it's bragging: with 3.5 billion people in the world, it's easy to "get laid" (same with drugs- easily accessible, easily downed).

i just said it's gross, pointless, etc., to talk about something so personal, especially when there's no intelligent/educational/non- cursory discussion to go with it. i get mental images when i read how katie "got laid" (as an aside, i haaaaaaaate that phrase, so maybe my hatred of hearing about her sexual activity is a bit biased). a lot of people, mostly americans (myself included) forget that sometimes people would be better off not knowing. obviously i'm no prude to sex; in fact, this summer i'm a human sexualities student. ... which also might be the reason why i don't really like how katie randomly, superficially talks about sex: my class's higher- level discussion has spoiled me.

-- Anonymous, June 09, 2001

Okay, points taken, I guess. But, it's not like she's talking about it in any real detail. Mentioning the purchase of condoms isn't exactly as personal as "yeah, we did this and this and this last night." I definitely don't see Katie ever doing the latter. I think the only reason she really mentions sex or things related to sex is when there's a humorous aspect to it. (If you remember, she was having sex for months until she ever even mentioned it. Then, the reason it came out in the first place was because people on the forum *asked* about it.)The entire point of mentioning condoms in the one entry was because of the story about freaking people out in the middle of Walmart. If that hadn't happened, I doubt she would have even mentioned them. Am I right? Katie? Hello?

-- Anonymous, June 10, 2001

why else WOULD someone put a journal site up? Why would someone put up ANY kind of web site except to attract attention.

I thought I'd mentioned before that some people do it as a way to vent/pass time. Like a hobby.. ? People that'd still have their journal online if no one ever read it or commented.. It's not always for attention. Actually, It's fairly common for writers these days if you haven't noticed....

The purpose of digital ink, along with every other journal out there, and every other personal page out there, is to entertain the readership and attract attention to the writer.

That's so off..

-- Anonymous, June 10, 2001

I honestly wasn't even aware of the fact that I mention sex with any frequency. Other than the obvious allusions, like the entry where I bitch out my uterus. But that isn't to brag, it's to be funny....

I could be wrong.. Its been awhile.. but I don't think *I* was the one saying you were bragging. I was saying it seemed like you were doing it for attention to seem cool. Kind of like the laura chick there who casually mentions acid without even realizing her true motives. like, "look at me, I'm cool. I'm bad." instead of .. your comment.. the one you were kidding about..

It drove me crazy. So why would I do the same thing? I'm occasionally mentioning or alluding, not sitting in study hall screaming, "HEY! I GOT BOOTY LAST NIGHT!"

Ok. Reading more from the Laura chick made me think. Most likely I'm just biased since I've heard the same crap so much and maybe THATs what made me think you were doing it the same way... Maybe not. I guess it's not really important cuz what it comes down to is just that I think it's annoying and that's ok cuz lots more people think the way I write and say things is annoying and it dosn't really bother me.. so.. this whole thing was stupid for me to even comment on.. and I apologize..

"Normal Katie" being...?

i'm too tired to think of the word... before you changed.. which still probably confuses you.. but i guess that's dumb too cuz you're happier now and more independent.. etc.. so oh well... life goes on..

-- Anonymous, June 10, 2001

Sorry it's taken me so long to reply, but, anyway, yeah, in Britain chemist=pharmacist=drugstore.

-- Anonymous, June 10, 2001

i don't understand how you can claim to be open minded about sex and sexuality, yet have a hard time dealing with someone who doesn't even talk about her sex life graphically, only refers to her use of safer sex products and uses references to her sex life for humorous purposes. you'd think that your human sexualities class, where i'm certain you discuss more intense things at a much higher level of detail would teach you to shrug katie's kinds of comments off.

ah well.

-- Anonymous, June 11, 2001

personally, i wouldn't fuck anyone i couldn't be comfortable being a slob around. haha. if any guy said shaving legs or perfume was a MUST, he'd have to find another girl.

if the way katie talks about sex is classless or gross, i shudder to think what i'd be called. luckily no boring 16 year old who thinks she knows everything about life has it out for me.

-- Anonymous, June 13, 2001

Boy, ya'll sound HOSTILE. If you don't like what you read, don't read it any more. Problem solved.

-- Anonymous, June 13, 2001

who is a boring 16 year old?

-- Anonymous, June 13, 2001

i believe roxy was referring to laura's posts. correct me if i am wrong, roxy ...

-- Anonymous, June 14, 2001

not to keep talking *about* someone instead of *to* them....

but... laura is 16 ?

-- Anonymous, June 14, 2001

Hel, there aren't free condoms on your university campus? On most American college campuses, various student groups make condoms freely available to students.

-- Anonymous, July 02, 2001

Some even go so far as to have delivery services. UC Berkeley, I believe, will get you a condom within 30 minutes if you'll agree to wait that long for it. Really awesome, IMO. Planned Parenthood and city clinic type places also give out free condoms.

-- Anonymous, July 04, 2001

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