katie, you look great. tell me your secret!

greenspun.com : LUSENET : digital ink : One Thread


I always read your site, but stay fairly quiet. However, I felt it necessary to commend you on how wonderful you look! Its obvious that you've lost a bit of weight. I was wondering, how did you do it? You look fabulous, and I want to know your secret! So...um...congratulations! You look great!

-- Anonymous, June 04, 2001


Hrm. Well, initially I lost a bunch (and I do mean a bunch) when I was going through that depressive shit in 2000, and I just never really gained it back. I haven't weighed myself in months, but apparently I've lost more somehow -- or so that's what my clothes tell me. So, my advice is, um, get really depressed, then get really poor so you can't afford to buy a lot of food. Real healthy, I know.

The only thing that really REALLY sucks about losing weight when you're kind of broke is that one day you wake up and all of your clothes are hanging off you. And you can't afford to buy more. And you don't know how to make alterations.


-- Anonymous, June 04, 2001

Not that Katie wearing clothes a couple sizes too big makes ME sad or anything...

I think I'm losing weight, too, all from the simple act of bringing my lunch to work with me instead of indulging in the Burger King at the airport. I'm back down below 180, and at the rate I'm going, could be down to like 165 in a couple of weeks.

-- Anonymous, June 05, 2001

I remember when *I* weighed 180. Sad, I know. Yuck.

-- Anonymous, June 05, 2001

Dude, Can i ask how tall you are? That is amazing. It is even more amazing that you weighed 180. In that case, you look as if you've lost about 45 pounds. I know that bringing you lunch helps, Eric. You immediately gain when you eat out every lunch period. That was me about a year ago. Ack. Its terrible.

-- Anonymous, June 05, 2001

I don't know exactly how tall I am, but I'm somewhere around 5'7, I believe. I'm just a little shorter than Eric, so... *looks at Eric*

-- Anonymous, June 05, 2001

For ages, it's been my goal to claim that I'm six feet tall. Unlike my stepdad, I don't feel I need to buy shoes with lifts in them to attain an artificial height. I believe my last medical height measurement had me at 5'10". My drivers license says 5'9", but it was made when I was 17. I'd say anywhere from 5'10" to 5'11" for me. Katie's about two to three inches shorter than I am.

-- Anonymous, June 05, 2001

I have to second that you've been looking good.. the pictures you took when you were dressed up for your interview were very nice.

But, to the original poster, as for the "secret" behind losing weight, I just want to say that if you exercise, assuming you don't eat five pies a day or something equally ridiculous, you will lose weight. IMO it's a better way to lose weight than changing your eating habits (*if* you're only going to do one) because you'll end up with a lean fit body rather than just one that weighs less but still has fat and probably will have less muscle too.

If for some reason you have a *super* slow metabolism or if you're not in good enough shape to exercise for very long and are working up to it but want to lose weight right away, a good way to change your diet to lose weight is to remember that most people have to eat about 3-4 pounds of food a day to feel full. It doesn't really matter what kind of food you eat, you probably won't feel full until you have about 3-4 pounds (over the course of the day). What you have to think about is what you're going to make those 3-4 pounds up of. If you were allowing yourself 2500 calories a day, and all you ate was chedder cheese for a day, you could only eat 1.4 pounds. Obviously you wouldn't feel full. But if you just ate peaches for a day, you'd have to eat 16 pounds of them to get 2500 calories. Brown rice is just about "perfect" in this regard. So if you simply think about this when choosing what to eat, you'll be fine. Don't bother counting calories or whatever, just choose more natural foods, fruits and vegetables, and you'll be successful.

-- Anonymous, June 06, 2001

i think you also look good lately, but not really because of weight loss or anything. you just look happier.

also you look like stephanie tanner.

-- Anonymous, June 13, 2001


I can't STAND Stephanie Tanner/Jodie WhateverHerRealNameIs. She was cute when she was little, but as she got older she just kinda... I don't even know. Morphed into somethin' not so good.

Please god somebody tell me that isn't true...

-- Anonymous, June 13, 2001

i meant when she was little, when she got older she got kindof boxy looking. haha. not to say that you look 10 or something.

just be glad you don't act like her and run around saying "HOW RUDE" and shit.

-- Anonymous, June 13, 2001

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