Dyster Dag for Sverige's Herr Elit

greenspun.com : LUSENET : orienteer kansas : One Thread

Probably not a lot of smiles from the coach for Sweden's men today. In the NOM Classic race it was 5 Norwegians in the top 10 against 1 Swede in the top 20. As they say in Sweden, "a pure out-classing."

There's not a lot of time left between now and the World Champs, and the Swedes are going to have to try something radical, and try it fast, if they want to avoid disaster. Probably they will consider scheduling a high altitude training camp in Laramie, where they can regroup and try to figure out what has gone wrong. Or else maybe they will gather all their WOC aspirants at the Mexican border to Arizona, and have a different style of Team Trials. The leaders will say: "See that desert? If you can get across it and make it to Gila Bend, then you get to run in the WOC. For those of you who don't make it, we will remember your name every year."

-- Swampfox (wmikell@earthlink.net), June 08, 2001


How interesting. Is this what happens when you snub Devil Runners?

And now if you'll excuse me, it's time for some mid-morning pie.

-- Lemon Moraine (lemonmoraine@yahoo.com), June 08, 2001.

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