Are y'all in Houston doing okay? : LUSENET : Gwen's Trailer Trash Forum : One Thread

Saw the flooding on CNN this morning and was wondering if Gwen and her peeps in Houston were okay. Hope y'all are high and dry.

-- Anonymous, June 09, 2001


We're okay! Thanks for thinking of me. Letty and my cousin's daughter spent the night and most of today with me because they were stranded on my side of town, but they lived to tell about it, fortunately. I took a bunch of crappy pictures of the flood, and my cousin's daughter took the one above. Thank God my car's safe. I don't think anybody died. The water was mostly receded by late afternoon.

-- Anonymous, June 09, 2001

Didn't see anything about the flood until tonight. I'm so out of touch. I'm glad your safe and sound :)I dont' know you too well but i wouldn't want anything bad to happen.

-- Anonymous, June 10, 2001

Glad you're OK Gwen. I saw the 11:00PM news and wondered about ya too. They didn't say anything about the water going away yet, I hope it still is.

-- Anonymous, June 10, 2001

I'm glad you're safe, Gwen.

We didn't get a drop of rain from that tropical storm. But take care because I hear it's headed back towards the Gulf again.

-- Anonymous, June 10, 2001

I've been there, growing up in southern Louisiana. I'm so happy you're all OK there, Gwen. I hope the next batch of rain storms don't make it worse.

-- Anonymous, June 10, 2001

Glad you're all okay, Gwen. Hey Shelly, I was wondering if your part of the state got any rain, especially after you were just saying how hot it's been there.

-- Anonymous, June 10, 2001

I can just imagine being in SA or Austin and being sad that there's no rain.

It's 9:30 AM and hot as hell outside. I'm thinking everything will get back to normal in time for the next monsoon.

I was supposed to go to court tomorrow, but the courthouses are closed because of the flood. I'm waiting for my lawyer's office to open so I can find out what's up.

None of the ATMs in town were working yesterday. I was sad because I had been planning to do my laundry all old-school at the laundromat. But no ATM = no dollars = no quarters = no laundry.

My work is supposed to have its fundraiser gala on Saturday. We might not be able to have it because of the flood. I don't know what will happen if we can't have it. Prolly we just won't get paid.

-- Anonymous, June 11, 2001

Yep, not a drop of rain.

I heard the the whole Pulse system is based in Houston and a lot of ATMs across the country didn't work.

-- Anonymous, June 11, 2001

Hey Gwen!

Will you post some of the other pictures? I wanna show the Pasadena peeps and others what White Oak Bayou was like.

Thanks, Letty

-- Anonymous, June 11, 2001

Glad to hear that you weren't hurt, Gwen.

-- Anonymous, June 12, 2001

Now you all know what a horrible person I am. I am posting to tell Gwen how happy I am that she's okay, but I have yet to try to contact my father in Houston to make sure that he's okay.

Hell, he's got my stepmother. Doesn't evil float?

-- Anonymous, June 12, 2001

Floating evil... heh. Y'all wanna hear something weird? The two people at work who've been giving me a hard time lately are the only two people involved with my work whose houses were messed up by the flood. Not that I'm taking pleasure in the misfortunes of others... I'm just saying. The one woman who has specifically made me want to quit my job had snakes in her house. Here's hoping they get their situations fixed up soon, though.

More flood pics, just for Letty:

-- Anonymous, June 13, 2001


White Oak other side of White Oak Studewood Park bayou near Studewood

-- Anonymous, June 13, 2001

Dammit! Greenspun is too lazy to read my mind! Those should be four separate links.

-- Anonymous, June 13, 2001

Gwen I'm glad to hear that you're okay too. Has the water mostly gone down now?

-- Anonymous, June 13, 2001

Yeah. It went down pretty quickly. Everyone's dealing with the damage now. The post office is still fucked, as are the courthouses and a major hospital. And I think all the ATMs are still down, too. And the opera hall, and some banks.

Most of the people at work had their cars screwed up by the water. Thank god mine wasn't. (Not too much, anyway.)

-- Anonymous, June 14, 2001

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