SCL Family Lines M5 Caboose Paint Color : LUSENET : ACL and SAL Railroads Historical Society : One Thread

Hi all,

I am looking for information concerning the SCL / ACL Family lines orange cabooses.

I was wondering how many cab's would have still been painted orange in 1982 (the year I am modeling)

In particular M-5 caboose # 0874.

Thank you for any help,

Matt Niehaus (modeling Cincinnati, Ohio in 1982)

-- Matt Niehaus (, June 14, 2001


For the year 1982(and later), I have the following M5's in orange:

SCL 0607, SCL 0636(in 1983), SCL 0674, SCL 0675

I have the SCL 0875 in gray in 2/83.

-- Russell Underwood (, June 15, 2001.

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