For info Softie (Stats) : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

These stats must have just been in the Record in Scotland,no mention on here at all, it is all linked to slots with UEFA, seedings for the countries is pretty straightforward, 1.Spain,2 Italy 3 England down to Georgia at no 30, (Scotland @ 16). It was UEFA`s top 100 clubs that took my attention, top three being in order Real Madrid, Man u,Bayern Arsenal, Chelsea,Liverpool are bunched together at 12/13/14 with Leeds at no 20. Sandwiched between Bologna and Marseille at no 43 is the next British Team, Newcastle Utd FC , Aston V, Rangers,Spurs W Ham, Leicester, Blackburn are well down, Celtic at 97. I checked the list twice, no Sunderland, so if its based on past achievements thank you Bobby Moncur and maybe Tino and Kets ?

-- Anonymous, June 14, 2001


Alan Price

-- Anonymous, June 14, 2001

sounds like its based on European form with a weighting on recent performances, can't really see any other way to get Celtic below us !!

If it hadn't been for Dalglish's team doing okay in the CL we'd be lower

-- Anonymous, June 15, 2001

Cheers for that buff, I was busy working on the average height and age of our goalscorers over the last 6 seasons so the diversion was undoubtedly timely. Also got to watch Sean Connery in "The Hill" on Turner Classic Movies last night. Survivors eat your heart out!

-- Anonymous, June 15, 2001

"Survivors eat your heart out!"

And you thought Big Brother was intrusive... ;-)

-- Anonymous, June 15, 2001

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