Oh my Goddess!!

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Animes : One Thread

I've seen only the first three episodes and I must say it's hilFrickiNlarious. Has anyone else seen it?

-- Anonymous, June 15, 2001


From the looks of the responses, I would say not.

-- Anonymous, November 24, 2001

I have seen all the eps of AMG!!! It is so cool! Has anyone seen the movie?

-- Anonymous, November 26, 2001

ya...i've seen the movie and own i on dvd....it's so cool! i love that movie....although you might have to see it a couple times in order to get it, and the artist changes so the characters all look sorta different and, in my opinion, cooler. like slight changes to the costumes and stuff....and they sing...so pretty!! You gotta see it!

-- Anonymous, January 06, 2002


-- Anonymous, January 21, 2002

i've only seen 5 episodes go to http://amg-world.tripod.com/ to download the five eps. never seen the movie though

-- Anonymous, August 19, 2002

Yes, AMG is the best !!

-- Anonymous, August 27, 2002

I also saw 5 episodes and i also saw the movies but i was wondering, are there any more episodes after episode 5? because this is great animation and it would kinda suck to see that it only has 5 episodes and a movie please message soon :)

-- Anonymous, September 22, 2002

i wish there were more episodes, but there isnt, the closest thing is the mini goddess series "the adventures of mini goddess" or Ah! My Mini Goddess, which is a sequel series, but it only includes the 3 goddesses, from the original sereis, and they're all chibi, its almost completely unrelated to the first series, and in more concentrated on humor.

-- Anonymous, October 12, 2002

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