New Alternative Health Forum : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Hi, everyone: I founded a new forum called Trinity Health, but nobody is participating- probably because nobody knows about it! I would like to discuss human and animal health matters (nutrition, herbs, etc), as well as more indirect subjects like organic farming, healthy cooking and the like. Please come pay me a visit! Cathy<><

-- Cathy Zeiler (, June 16, 2001


Nice site dear, but who cares what the FDA recommends/suggests??

-- natureknowsbest (realhealthy@nuts2.nuts), June 16, 2001.

I, for one, do not care what the FDA recommends. They are a bunch of losers being paid off by the pharmaceutical companies, the food manufacturers, and Monsanto!

-- Cathy<>< (, June 16, 2001.

Don't trust any government agency and avoid submitting to them as much as possible. I'll be damned if the FDA is going to regulate what I put or don't put in my own body.

-- April (, June 16, 2001.

April: I couldn't agree more! They are all in the pockets of big corporations! And why will they not approve a treatment for a terminally ill person because it might be "harmful"? What has the patient got to lose? Cathy<><

-- Cathy<>< (, June 16, 2001.

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