I Need a Ticket

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Burning Man : One Thread

I need a ticket to BM 2001 Im hoping to buy one off some one who unlike me bought early and now finds themself with an xtra. If you have a Ticky for 145 or 160 please let me know. Im hoping to find some one who will benifit from this transaction as much as i will benift. see ya on the playa.... Peace mike

-- Michael caron (Amsafe1@aol.com), June 20, 2001


Hey Michael,

A good starting point for ticket availability is to go to Craig's List (www.craigslist.com) which is a really great resource here in the San Francisco bay area. Just go to the site, click the 'tickets' link and then refine it a bit further by going to the top of the page and entering the term Burn or Burningman and you'll be surprised at the number of tickets being sold by folks unable to attend.

-- Mr. Helpful (isotope239@ziplip.com), August 08, 2001.

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