Salvaging CS threads on Freedom forum : LUSENET : Beyond the Sidewalks : One Thread

Hi folks,

It was brought to my attention by someone that the Freedom forum will begin salvaging posts from CS and posting them on Freedom.

See this thread for reference:

Post salvaged threads from Cside here:POLITICAL

Doreen has posted another thead asking folks if they have a problem with this and, if so, would they like their comments deleted.

See this thread for reference:

RE: salvaged threads_short!

I wanted to bring this to your attention in case you'd like to request that Doreen delete your comments. If it's no big deal to you then please ignore this post.

If you do decide to head over there to make a comment or request for removal then please, PLEASE, PLEASE! - as a favor to me - be civil with Doreen and the rest of the members over there.

I don't want anyone over on Freedom to think I'm directing you all to go over there in order to start fights, so again, *please* be civil.

BTW, I'm not gonna be online much more today so if anyone tries to contact me I may be a while in getting back to you (I'll be back on Friday).

-- Anonymous, June 21, 2001


Went and cruised it Jim........see nothing of mine that I care if it is deleted or not. For the most part I have tryed to stay consistant and am not worried about it. Funny thing, you would have thought they would be salvaging the useful stuff......I guess we know where their priorities were all along.......political agenda.

-- Anonymous, June 21, 2001

Jim, with your gracious tolerance I would like to take the liberty of explaining *why* I think the stuff from CS should be salvaged.

Also, Diane, I am the one who is working the political threads, and the only one doing it so far which is why it is all political right now. I suspect some others will save the more useful threads throughout the day as time permits.

WHY I THINK IT SHOULD BE SALVAGED~ (sorry I don't know all the cool bold commands;)

The question I have for you is don't you think that an awful lot of that information would be helpful and informative for other people and don't you think that even though CS ran the forum...?... it wasn't CS who built the knowledge base nor contributed the majority of brainpower and time, was it? I would simply hate to see the library burned by the new regime and that is ALL I care about. Is it right to delete people's comments without speaking to them about it? Is it right to completely change the rules mid steam and then threaten to pull the plug and destroy thousands of hours of other people's thoughts and advice? I agree 100% that they have the right to do what they want at their forum, but before I see all of that info tossed away like nothing important, I want to preserve it. NOT for myself, but for everyone. NOT for profit, but for KNOWLEDGE.

-- Anonymous, June 21, 2001

No problem with me, Doreen. I'm in agreement with diane - nothing I posted needs to be deleted.

I just wanted to give BTS members the opportunity to resond to you regarding the status of their CS posts.

Good luck with your forum. :-)

And, with having said that, I'm outta here until Friday. I'll see all you BTS'ers at that time...

-- Anonymous, June 21, 2001

Thanks a bunch, Jim. And best of luck here!!! I think you have done a fine job and I am happy that people have the opportunity to frequent places where they feel more comfortable. Take care, Doreen

-- Anonymous, June 21, 2001

Gee, how do I say this without sounding sarcastic, belittling or condescending?? Oh well, I'll take my best shot. I say BRAVO to Jim and Doreen. As moderators of 2 different but similar forums, made up of "cast-offs" from CSide, to be able to communicate to each other in a civil and adult manner is commendable. I know that sounds sarcastic, please believe me, it's not meant that way. After all the bu**sh** at Countryside, over trivial, minor, inconsequential remarks, ideas and posts, it's refreshing to see adults acting adult again. A suggestion was made in good faith, a question was asked about the intent of the suggestion (in a polite adult fashion, I might add), question answered and all is right with the world. No sarcasm, no name calling, no problems.HOW REFRESHING!!

Jim, thank you for a wonderful forum. It's looking like it's headed in the right direction. Doreen,the same to you. I lurk at both. Not everyone wants the same things in life. That's why Baskin-Robbins gives you so many choices. Let's all have a big bowl of life, try the different flavors and enjoy one anothers offerings. Y'all have a nice day. John

-- Anonymous, June 21, 2001

Hi John D!

You wrote: "I know that sounds sarcastic, please believe me, it's not meant that way."

It didn't seem sarcastic to me, but thanks for making your intentions clear.

"A suggestion was made in good faith, a question was asked about the intent of the suggestion (in a polite adult fashion, I might add), question answered and all is right with the world. No sarcasm, no name calling, no problems.HOW REFRESHING!! "

Yep, it's commendable, and here, at least, not uncommon! It isn't in the "rules" but it's been expressed here, many, many times -- this is the forum where we want to get along with each other, and to be kind and polite, even if we have different views! That's why we came here.

And so, for all the rest of you, I AM VERY GLAD WE HAVE THIS FORUM, AND I LOVE YOU ALL! Oops, slipped into touchy-feely for a second there! ;-) But I meant it!

-- Anonymous, June 21, 2001

Oh Joy, I'm so touched :) I just love y'all too!!!! I'm just wondering though if I'm missing something. Everybody seems to be sort of frantic to salvage CS posts but I got the impression that wouldn't happen so long as things got better. Even if they pulled the plug, I don't think they would do it without giving everyone a specified amount of time to retrieve what they wanted from the archives. Am I being naive?

-- Anonymous, June 21, 2001

I don't know, Denise. I can't say I am familiar enough with Dave's temperament, and I don't know how much email hassling he's getting. If it's alot, and/or there are virus or hack attacks, I bet he WILL pull the plug. If there's nothing more than what we are seeing in print,then probably, it'll still be there.

Still, it's probably a good idea to start saving things, and organizing them. How many times have you searched over there for something you remember but just CANNOT find it?

-- Anonymous, June 21, 2001

Ken said Dave's not gonna pull the plug and that all the folks who supported them helped.

-- Anonymous, June 21, 2001

Thanks Doreen for your warm messages!

I feel one thing should be added to our usual rendition of how we are different here at BTS: It isnt ONLY the fact that we treat each member of our 'family' here with tenderness and respect that is important to our feeling safe here; its also that we seem to understand that disrespectful treatment of those with whom we differ is not encouraged. One rarely sees name-calling, denigrating, mean sarcasm here, and I guess that is why I keep coming back. I do not in any way intend to paint everyone at 'those other forums' with the same brush, but we all know there are certain individuals who virtually never post anything that does not include either a put- down of some individual human being or ideal, or a whine about how terrible the world (and the people in it) is because it doesnt see things the same way the poster does.

Teasing here is done with light-heartedness, though many of us, I think would be proclaimed excellent in the art of smart-ass!

As for myself, I went almost over the line in my previous comment tonite about Hoot, but (and truth be told he has never bothered us directly here), but what drove me over the edge of diplomacy was his inference that other religions were welcome to proselytize on CS, which is simply a bold faced lie. Other religions are not interested in proselytizing, period. That is the single domain of the Christian right. Most other religions pretty much leave people to make their own decisions in these most personal arenas.

Blessed be,

-- Anonymous, June 22, 2001

I agree Emama, but it's very hard to open some eyes to that fact. One man made an excellent reference to the fact "what if" they did go on every day with their religious practices. He was right on. People would scream and they know it. What's good for the goose isn't always good for the gander in their rules. And the canceling of the subscriptions is soooo silly. They better go check each and every magazine and book in their home, and if it isn't a Christian publication, they better throw it out. Can't have rules for one and not all the others. That is just silly. There were some very good comments on the thread last night from some very senseable people. One woman said she is a Christian, but would never go storming into the CS office and demand they print something, what a bad witness that would be.

Jesus would stand on a hill and speak, and people would come and listen of their own accord. He did not hold them captive in a room and force them to listen. They came because they felt drawn to him, because of his soft speaking manner, and of kindness he spoke about. And if one more person refers to the "pearls" I'm gonna scream. They just don't know how terribly rude that is.

And on the teasing, I admit I like teasing with a giggle in my voice, nothing is meant as hurtful, just in fun, but I should be careful as others might not know I was just teasing. This world is way to serious sometimes.

-- Anonymous, June 22, 2001

Cindy Said: "Jesus would stand on a hill and speak, and people would come and listen of their own accord. He did not hold them captive in a room and force them to listen. They came because they felt drawn to him, because of his soft speaking manner, and of kindness he spoke about. And if one more person refers to the "pearls" I'm gonna scream. They just don't know how terribly rude that is. "

This is how a Christian should be if they want to "witness" to someone. As far as the bible thumpers are concerned they make me what to scream and run the other way. I put up with that crap for awhile when my husband became a born again back in the middle 80's and finally had to tell him how the cow ate the cabbage, that if this was the kind of folk that I would see in heaven then count me out cause thats not how I wanted to spend eternity.

John you are right on the money again.

And just out of curiosity does anyone know just how old "ole Hoot" is. He doesn't look all that old in his pictures.


-- Anonymous, June 22, 2001

Judy, I have NO idea where I got this idea, but I THINK Hoot is somewhere around his mid-50's. Considering my age, I don't think that is so very old, but "old" is relative, isn't it?

-- Anonymous, June 22, 2001

Gee since I am in my middle 50's I must be selling myself short by not putting myself out there as a wise ole crone. Lets see: crone, yes; old, yes; wise, yes-wise a$$. Okay, I fit the bill, I'm a wise ole cronea$$, I mean wisea$$ ole crone, oh well, two outa three ain't bad.

Harm none!


-- Anonymous, June 22, 2001

If anyone would like to comment, but doesn't want to go over to the site, I am another of the culprits. Though I DO feel a little like it is stealing, the information was posted for the benefit of the members of CS, and not for the magazine. I would love to have the time to take it all onto my hard drive, as I love reading it, and find such useful and informative info there, but I don't.

The reason Freedom is doing this is to preserve the information only. None of us that thought this might be a good idea has any intention of doing anything other than archiving what is already out there. It has been mentioned that the forum may be shut down. If it is, then all that info will be gone right along with it.

So, if you want your stuff deleted, or whatever, but don't want to go to the other forum to say so, let me know and I will pass the word. In the meantime, I will be busily helping out with their project.

PS: Doreen has promised not to alter any posts in any way other than to delete them - and that only by request of the original author.

-- Anonymous, June 22, 2001

Hi again, I don't mean to interrupt y'all, but I wanted to let you know that the isp Jim disclosed isn't on the Freedom isn't Hoot. I don't know who it is, but Hoot's it is not. I don't want to post his info here, but I will say that it's got the four letters gabb in it. th I will email it to Jim so he can verify the truth of what I am saying to you if it's important. Thanks all of you, I'll just head on out now. Have fun!

-- Anonymous, June 23, 2001

Hi Doreen,

I never thought Hoot was the anonymous troublemaker on our forum. He responded on another thread here so I think we have all that cleared up now, fortunately.

BTW, I'm glad to hear that this person's IP address doesn't show up on your forum. It makes me think that they are not a part of ANY of the three forums - just troublemakers that want to cause division for their own entertainment.

I've been thinking too that maybe you and I should share the IP address of any future troublemakers we may encounter on our forums. Maybe outing their IP addresses for all to see and publicly shaming them would put a stop to their behavior.

Just a thought...

-- Anonymous, June 23, 2001

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