CANNIBALS - Toronto mayor apologizes : LUSENET : Current News : One Thread


Saturday 23 June 2001

Toronto mayor says sorry for 'cannibals' slur By Ben Fenton in Washington

THE Mayor of Toronto, one of three cities competing for the 2008 Olympics, has apologised for remarks in which he represented Africans as cannibals.

Toronto's opponents in Paris were cock-a-hoop at the gaffe by Mel Lastman believing that African delegates to the International Olympic Committee would now favour them in a two-horse race between the French capital and Beijing.

Mr Lastman told a freelance Canadian journalist that he did not want to go to a meeting of the Association of National Olympic Committees of Africa in Kenya last month because he and his wife, Marilyn, feared snakes.

"What the hell would I want to go to a place like Mombasa for? Snakes just scare the hell out of me. I'm sort of scared about going but the wife is really nervous. I just see myself in a pot of boiling water with all these natives dancing around me."

His remarks, published this week in a Toronto newspaper, drew immediate condemnation from leaders of the city's ethnic minority communities. Alvin Curling, the only black member of the Ontario parliament, described Mr Lastman's remarks as "ignorant and colonial. If the man wants to show some grace, and he is tired and confused, he should quit," he said.

Toronto prides itself on its racial diversity, with 29 ethnic groups recognised by the city government as having a "significant presence" among the 2.2 million population. The Toronto 2008 Olympic bid committee had made this fact a crucial part of their pitch to delegates of the IOC but yesterday members found themselves having to organise a desperate damage-limitation operation.

At a press conference, Mr Lastman said sorry more than 20 times for his remarks and appeared shocked by the furore they caused. He said he intended his words as a joke and that his visit to Kenya had been enormously enjoyable and he had been very well treated.

There were mixed reactions from Kenya. Marx Kahende, deputy Kenyan ambassador to the United Nations, said: "I don't know how he was elected but it appears that something has gone very wrong since that time." But Kip Keino, former Olympic long-distance runner who represents Kenya on the IOC, brushed aside the remarks as a personal mistake.

The IOC will make its final decision on July 13.

-- Anonymous, June 23, 2001

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