Goat bagging up -- has not been bred -- ???

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I have a goat that has not been bred in several years, nor milked. I noticed today that she appears to be bagging up like she's pregnant. It is not possible that she got with the buck. Anyone ever have this happen to them? If so, should I be concerned? Can we use the milk? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks. Sharon

-- Sharon (spangenberg@hovac.com), June 25, 2001


Do you or a close neighbor have a buck ? It may be hormones or a false pregnancy.

-- Patty {NY State} (fodfarms@slic.com), June 25, 2001.

We have had this happen a couple of times. Probably false pregnancy. We just let them carry on as usual. one actually went into false labour. I would recommend just leaving her to carry on her normal day.

-- tomas (bakerzee@hotmail.com), June 25, 2001.

I've never heard of such a thing, could there be something wrong with the udders? I bet ya a buck found her.

-- Debbie (bwolcott@cwis.net), June 26, 2001.

I would just continue to watch her. A friend of mine who has some very aged does, they do have kids each year, but are not asked to milk. One of them came down with a very bad case of mastitis though she also hadn't been milked in years. I would feel the temp of the udder and check to make sure she is continuing to eat and feel well. I think does actually live longer and much healthier lives kidding and freshening normally. Vicki

-- Vicki McGaugh TX (vickilonesomedoe@hotmail.com), June 26, 2001.

I just wanted to thank everyone for their input. I checked her for mastitis today. She seems fine, but definitely has milk. She did escape her pen a while back, but I'm almost certain she wasn't in season--I guess time will tell. She was only out for a few minutes before we caught her. I'll let you all know if we get any kids-- problem is I don't remember the date she got out, it was a month or two ago. She seems healthy and happy, that's the most important thing. Thanks again for the advice. Sharon

-- Sharon (spangenberg@hovac.com), June 27, 2001.

I had a year old nigerian dwarf doe bred (for the first time) last winter. I could have sworn she was pregnant, as her teats grew larger and began to show an udder. But nothing happened, so I have to assume it was a false pregnancy. Maybe this happened to yours?

-- D Lynn Black (DLMoonspinner@aol.com), July 13, 2001.

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