Plant your u-picks and start a home-business : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

I wish I had more blueberries (planting more this fall) because I am getting phone calls an hour plus away for blueberries. I am going to look for other u-picks like fruit orchards and see if we can advertise for each other somehow. Debbie

-- Debbie (, June 26, 2001


Debbie, where are you?

-- Sojourner (notime4@summer.spam), June 26, 2001.

Southeastern (actually rather central) OK. almost on the Ark. border. Blueberry season is coming to an end here because I need the rest of the berries. I make all our syrup, dehydrate tons (use in cranberry, blueberry, raisin receipes), freeze alot and make at least 12 - 15 pints of jams. This year I will try canning a few quarts of pie filling. I definitely wish I had planted a couple hundred more plants, it is alot of work and if no one wanted blueberries that would be a bit much. I will be planting more this year, after hay is put up we will start preparing the ground. Debbie

-- Debbie (, June 26, 2001.

Debbie, when I've tried to dehydrate blueberries, I've gotten these little, dried-up, crunchy husks with little flavor. How do you do it so you can use them like raisins?

-- Laura Jensen (, June 26, 2001.

You have to use large plum blueberries, I use an Excalibur and dry at 135 degrees for 11 hours. The books say to dip in boiling water but I found that method messy, they all dried together. Don't let them get too dried but like the rasin stage. There good in muffins

-- Debbie (, June 26, 2001.


If you are going to can pie filling use Clear Jel rather than cornstarch or flour. It will stand the heat of canning and baking but will not get gummy or watery.

I buy mine in bulk because I sell at a farmer's market. You can buy through places like King Arthur Flour but that gets to be expensive. It takes about 3 TBS per pie, I have recipes for canning fillings. If you need a couple of pounds, I would be willing to send it to you.

-- Cordy (, June 26, 2001.

Cordy, I have some clear jel that I had bought a year ago but do not have a receipe for pie filling useing it. If you can please email me a receipe or post it for all. Thanks, Debbie - in the past with apples I have used cornstarch or flour and wan't to try the clear jel.

-- Debbie (, June 26, 2001.

Debbie, We are planning on moving out of state where I can grow some wonderful berries. I would love to know how to make my own syrup. Would you be willing to share a recipe and maybe some tips with a newbie? You can email me privately if you wish. Thanks A Million! Trish

-- Trish (, June 26, 2001.

Hey Debbie, thanks very much for the drying information. I'm always so paranoid about getting things dry enough not to spoil, I'm sure I just dried them into oblivion. I'll try it again your way. Thanks again!

-- Laura Jensen (, June 26, 2001.

Trish, I use a Victoria (from Lehmans) for all my syrups or tomatoe purea (sp). I bought my Victoria about 12 years ago and use it every year. I have a little kitchen attached to the garage and it is set up there to go. Just put the berries in to the strainer and you have syrup, I add sugar to taste. Cook down to right thickness and add a few chopped berries for fun. Water bath 10 - 15 minutes (like jam). We love it on waffels and pancakes.

-- Debbie (, June 27, 2001.


Go to Home page will say Joe's. They have the recipes for the canned pie filling. I went to other sights, including edu. ones and all the recipes for canned pie filling using Clear Jel are the same.

-- Cordy (, June 27, 2001.

Cordy, Just found the site, thanks alot. Debbie

-- Debbie (, June 27, 2001.

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