A minor adventure at the homestead

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Beyond the Sidewalks : One Thread

I just wanted to share this one with you all. Last night hubby and I were out in the greenhouse and garden when suddenly there was an awful clanking sound coming from the house. All of our dogs were barking and running around. As we ran toward the house the noise stopped and we realized that the dogs' attention was at the air conditioner box in the back yard. Hubby figured it threw a screw or something and went on in to check it out while I went back to the gardening. A few minutes later he came out to the garden chuckling. I asked him what had happened and he said that when he looked into the air conditioner to figure out what was wrong he saw blood all over the insides. He reached in and pulled out a slightly used mouse. Turns out the mouse had crawled up in there and when the air conditioner kicked in the mouse became mince meat and the noise we had heard were his bones. Luckily it didn't hurt the air conditioner. Now, how many people in the city would have had that experience? I told the story to my co-workers (who all live in Washington, DC) and they said they were glad it was me and not them. Jeesh, no sense of humor those guys. I was just glad to hear we weren't looking at a major repair bill since the air conditioning/heating system was only two years old.

-- Anonymous, June 27, 2001


Yech! Glad I didn't have to clean it up.

-- Anonymous, June 27, 2001

We have two fan stories. First a whole hose ceiling fan (attic fan here) that pulled our cat through it, big gash on her side, but blood was slung everywhere! Another was our big GQF incubator which didn't have anything over the fan. Didn't think nothing of this until a freshly hatched duckling flew through it into a million pieces, it has hardware cloth over it now! Vicki

-- Anonymous, June 27, 2001

Wouldn't that be mice meat..Sherry

-- Anonymous, June 27, 2001

There are mice in the suburbs too. Wait until you get a skunk in a greenhouse vent fan! That happened to some people I know. The figure the skunk was looking for a way early one morning....


-- Anonymous, June 27, 2001


-- Anonymous, June 28, 2001

I lived in Savannah Ga many yrs ago. When we moved into the new apt. the landlord was telling us how this awful stench was coming out of the AC one spring. Upon investication he discovered a 6' rattlesnake in there. That was comforting!

-- Anonymous, June 28, 2001

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