Video CD 2.0 Toolkit ? on Chapters : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Ok I figured out most of the VCD Tollkit (hardest part was getting it to accept my .mpg files have to use the MPEG-Corrector on them 1st) I can do menus, stills, buring the disk and all that but I'm having a hard time getting it to do chapters like my commerical vcd's. On the commericals you can just hit the # on the remote to jump around the index marks.

Was wondering if anyone got the chapters working yet in VCD Toolkit?


John L. Smith

-- John L. Smith (, June 28, 2001


How did you burn the VCD disc? Please let me know! I am figuring out the programming end of it - but then what?

please and thank you! joe

-- joe (, July 23, 2001.

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