in 2 years : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

Q : What plans have the club in place for when Bobby retires?


I'm not convinced they have 'lined up' Al for the job as some have suggested.

-- Anonymous, June 28, 2001


My bet is they'll cross that bridge when they come to it. Or worse give the job to Wadsworth (rule nothing out)

-- Anonymous, June 28, 2001

Shearer is the plan, guaranteed - unless, of course, BR walks out within a few weeks. Scarily, Wadsworth and/or Gordon Milne might then figure in a temporary capacity. Now there's a frightening thought.

-- Anonymous, June 28, 2001

Bearing all that in mind, it's absoultely vital that we give Bobby our full support, as it could easily be a lot lot worse

-- Anonymous, June 28, 2001

it could easily be a lot lot worse

REALLY? Oh dear. ;-)

-- Anonymous, June 28, 2001

Tommy Craig and Peter Beardsley may be in with a shout.

-- Anonymous, June 28, 2001

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