Voightlander lens

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Large format photography : One Thread

Describe a Voightlander Brilliant lens in Compur shutter.

-- James Tremills (tremills@chebucto.ns.ca), June 30, 2001



Here is an educated guess. The lens is probably a taking lens (as opposed to viewing lens) pulled off a pre-war Voigtlander Brillant TLR medium format camera. The lens could be a Skopar or Heliar. I would guess that the lens covers 6x6.


-- Dave Willison (dwillisart@aol.com), June 30, 2001.


I forgot to add that the Skopar is listed by Kingslake as a Tessar design. The Heliar, again according to Kingslake, was a modified triplet design which appeared just before the Tessar.


-- Dave Willison (dwillisart@aol.com), June 30, 2001.

Voigtlander Brilliant started around 1932. All taking lenses are 7.5 cm, for 6x6 of course. They are under names like Voigtar, Skopar, Heliar, and Vaskar. Heliar appeared after 1938. I have seen Apo- Lanthar fitted on a Brilliant, but I believe it was an after market replecement. Most Brilliant cameras have either Compur or Rapid Compur shutters. Compur shutters have speed range from T, B, 1 ... 1/250 second, and Rapid Compur have T, B, 1 ... 1/400 second.

-- Geoffrey Chen (DB45TEK@AOL.COM), June 30, 2001.

Oops, Spelled wrong: should be Brillant.

-- Geoffrey Chen (DB45TEK@AOL.COM), June 30, 2001.

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