
greenspun.com : LUSENET : Mountaineering : One Thread

Wanted - Up to date route info on the Tis-sa-ack.

-- Steve Canavero (s_canavero@yahoo.com), July 03, 2001


i had some friends who did the route in summer '99 and they said the anchors were in really bad shape. check asca's website to see if they've retroed it since then. take a #5 cam, maybe two. other than that they said it's super classic, "the zodiac of half dome".

-- joe auer (auerjoe@aros.net), July 11, 2001.

Ultra classic, historic route with great exposure and location. We did the route in 8/99 in a single 30 hour push. Pretty standard A2+- ish with nothing freaky or rad. I recall the belays being just fine. It's been done hammerless, but we had a light pin rack and did a minimal amount of nailing. Lots of cams of course and a bolt kit in case the bolts on some of the long ladders fail. The last pitch might be the hardest and it's not real clear which way to go. Enjoy! Greg

-- Greg Murphy (murphyg@locustec.com), July 18, 2001.

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