Another rebuke? : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

seems as though Robert's agent has once again thrown a large spanner to Freddies attempts at unveiling a big name signing by declaring it unlikely that the Frenchman Robert will sign for the Toon.

This contradicts what our Chairman and boss have hinted at in other papers.

Is it a case of Newcastle being used again as a vehicle to raise the stakes or a way of getting extra cash in the players pocket?

Or has Freddie opened his big mouth too early yet again?

-- Anonymous, July 08, 2001



-- Anonymous, July 08, 2001

Probably both Pete. Unfortunately, the footie public is so keen t get every snippet of information surrounding the club. IMHO, the likes of the SS (as is Sunday Sun) phoning players' agents to see what the latest position is, undermines the club's position. I could understand it if FF was really pissed off about this latest intrusion. Yes, perhaps he should keep his gob shut - but who was it who leaked it in the first instance???

-- Anonymous, July 08, 2001

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