Acura 3.2TL Navigation System DVD-ROM : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Does anyone know how to change the navigational system to play normal DVD or VCD on a Alpine DVD-ROM???

-- Pete Patel (, July 10, 2001


I have not found any info about that. It should be possible and I too am interested in playing standard DVDs.

-- Claude (, August 27, 2001.

I don't know if it is possible

-- acura support (, September 26, 2001.

Even if it can, the resolution and number of colors of the existing system will give you a very terrible movie playback.

-- Ka Wong (, September 29, 2001.

The DVD based trunked system will not play normal DVD's. In fact if you modify the unit to do so you will end up burning out the screen. Dont believe me, try it out sometime. Before you do you may want to inquire on the cost of a new screen. Just my 2c.

-- Theta (, November 06, 2001.

It will not burn out your screen....I have seen... However the dvd player that comes installed will not play standard DVDS... A mod can be made to input video from whatever source you like.....Hard to find piece Pioneer AVC-RGB1; pretty easy to do...

-- Mark (, March 22, 2002.

THe Answer is YES there is a way to play a DVD in your maping system. A modification chip is needed. I do not know where to purchase this chip to make it posible but I was told DIRECTLY from the Sales Girl that I Lease my car from that a customer had modified his with a chip to play them. So look for the Chip and let us know where to get it.

-- Michael E (, August 21, 2002.

Guys just check this out

-- Sevos V (, November 08, 2002.

Any ideas on how to modify the DVD ROM navigation in a 2003 Infiniti G35????

-- Peter Ozzimo (, December 17, 2002.

has anyone found anything out on the G36 Coupe

-- Steve Cooper (, August 07, 2003.

I can get you one for $200.00

-- Rafael Gonzalez (, September 19, 2003.

If anyone needs an AVC-RGB1 please contact me.

-- sg (, September 28, 2003.

I have a Pioneer AVC-RGB1 for sale if any one is looking for one. First $150.

Greg 770-652-5756

-- Greg Steiniger (, November 10, 2003.

Who still has a Pioneer AVC-RGB1 for Sale? I've checked everywhere online and called every Audio Store. Or if anyone can point me to the right directions. Thanks...John. (408)509-2085 Call anytime if anyone has answers.

-- John C. (, November 20, 2003.

is there an easy way like cutting the wires or something?

-- Benjamin michael Pepka (, March 07, 2004.

I'm also looking for a Pioneer AVC-RGB1, or a inexpensive nav-video conversion unit (instead of the $500+ SAM unit). If anyone have one or know where I can find it, or even a better solution for nav-video project, please let me know via email.

Thanks, _Thomas (

-- Thomas (, December 03, 2004.

Does anyone know if you can modify the Alpine software to run the Trip Computer from the 2003 Honda Accord Nav system? It's much better than the lame Message Center trip computer in the TL?

-- K Kershner (, January 03, 2005.

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