HLTH - Nevada has highest rate of respiratory illness

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Nonprofit group criticizes Nevada for not tracking nation's highest asthma rate By Associated Press, 7/11/2001 06:50

LAS VEGAS (AP) A new report faults Nevada for not having a system to track asthma cases, even though the state has the nation's highest rate of the respiratory disease.

The report was released Tuesday by the nonprofit Trust for America's Health. Nevada was one of 12 states with high levels of air pollution but no way to track asthma, according to the report.

Shelley Hearne, who co-authored the report, said that in states with high air pollution, the potential for asthma prevention, treatment or a cure is severely limited if data is lacking. She said asthmatics won't know what types of pollution affect them most and where they can go to find relief.

About 100,000 Nevada residents slightly more than 7 percent of the state's population have asthma, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

Nevada health officials said the state doesn't have the money for tracking.

-- Anonymous, July 11, 2001


the fact that most of Nevada is and always has been a dust bowl has nothing to do with it? Ever been in one of their sand storms in Las Vegas?? Literaly will remove the paint from your car and craze your windshield. Taz

-- Anonymous, July 11, 2001

A new report faults Nevada for not having a system to track asthma cases, even though the state has the nation's highest rate of the respiratory disease.

If they don't track them, how do they know?

-- Anonymous, July 12, 2001

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