Friday, the THIRTEENTH of July, 2001 : LUSENET : MATH : One Thread

Ooh, scary day!

My little brother Lane's birthday is January 13, and I'd always try to scare him and make him cry when it fell on a Friday. I'm such a good sister.

Will it be another MATHless day, I wonder? Will the real Allison Lowe please stand up?

-- Anonymous, July 13, 2001


We have dialup! We're so high tech.

I want to be a lady of liesure forever.

-- Anonymous, July 13, 2001

I'm here! It's Unemployed Ladies Day in MATHland. I am still on a dial-up as well. Will it always be the microwave for me? Let's hope not. I'm trying to get online help for our cable connection.

-- Anonymous, July 13, 2001

Hey - The MOC has new work e-mail! Hooray! Y'all write him:

-- Anonymous, July 13, 2001

Sweet MOC. I talked to him the other day, Al, did he tell you?

-- Anonymous, July 13, 2001

Mercy. I've done four loads of laundry, I trimmed the lantana back, I actually found all of our sprinkler heads, I hooked up our dialup service (as high-tech as we're gonna get, I'm afraid), I emailed a bazillion people with my new email, and Al, I found your resume - I had a copy in my files. I can email it to you, if you'd like.

Next, I need to go to the gym (Nuevooooo Laredooooooo- so much mole in my belly), pay my Sorint PCS bill, hit the home depot, as we're actually going to hand pictures up this weekend, and call some caterers.

-- Anonymous, July 13, 2001

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