OT - House

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Well... after more than 3 weeks of waiting to hear word on the huge house that I wanted to buy, seems like they are really dragging their heels. Seems like they want 160K instead of the 135K that they advertised. :( I can't afford to go that high myself and still keep my son in a good school. I formally withdrew my offer last Friday.

But alas, something just as good, although not as large, has maken my husband and I fall in love. About 20 miles from where we currently live in a little BFE town called Harrah we have found a 2300sf rock and cedar 1 1/2 story home. The fireplace is awsome! The house has geothermal for heating and cooling. We went there first on Thursday when it was 106, and the house was about 75. The house sits on 5 acres that backes up to a small lake/large pond. I would say that 3 acres are wooded, and wildlife is there in mass. The road sits way off the street and you cannot see the house from the road due to the trees.

I went back yesterday and of course took pictures. Hopefully I'll get them loaded on my web page tomorrow (Just can't stomach going into work on the weekend unless required!) I walked the land and it is all good. (I'm trying to figure out where to put a pool at, cause I really want a pool in this terrible heat.) I know that the man has had a low offer which he refused. We are going to offer what he is asking, so I think we'll get it. We are going to do the offer first thing Monday morning. My husband is drooling, cause we've been told by him and the neighbors that there are tons of deer there. :)

-- Anonymous, July 15, 2001


Awaiting photos with breathless anticipation!

Deer? for eating or feeding?

They will get into your garden. Count on it!

-- Anonymous, July 15, 2001


The deer, for eating of course! Actually, I spoke to some of the nicest people yesterday that will be my neighbors about 3 houses down. They had wonderful lush gardens, both veggie and flower. I asked how they kept the deer out, and they said that they never had a problem with the deer eating anything, as there is so much food around. Coming up to the area on one side is a huge cattle ranch, and the other side is a huge field (100+acores) of corn, which I assume is feed corn for the cows. I'd think that they'd go eat that, but who knows. One of the men told me that Friday morning he had 6 deer in his back yard. He mentioned a coyote was in his neighbor's driveway just yesterday morning. Don't think I'll have to worry about a coyote, as my dogs will keep them off the property, well at least away from the house.

There were wild iris there, as well as some flowering cacti. I didn't see any fruit trees, but there were some pecan, acorn, and walnut trees. I'll fix the fruit tree problem. They were sort of jealous, as my property will back up to the lake. The wells are good, not acidic but the water is hard. I may think about getting a water softener but I'm kinda a now salt person. I'll have to really think if having soft water is worth the trade off of introducing salt into my diet.

-- Anonymous, July 15, 2001

Still waiting for pictures, LOL.

sounds great. Seems you are finding better and better homes each time. I wonder what you'll find next month!

this one sounds so nice with the waterfontage. Got a canoe or row boat? Imagine going for a little ride in the twilight evening, just before dinner. How romantic! Hope the lake is big enough! I wonder how the fishing is there?

-- Anonymous, July 15, 2001

"although not as large..."

But Sheeple, 2,300 s.f. is HUGE!

Well, so far I like this one better, so good luck on it. Looking forward to the pix!

-- Anonymous, July 15, 2001

Just contacted my Realtor at home to tell her that I wanted to start first thing in the morning on my offer. She said she'd be there at 9am, and so will I.

Keep your fingers crossed that no one beats me to him with the price he is asking.


-- Anonymous, July 15, 2001

Sheeple, as an armchair psychologist, I'd say you really need to consider getting your realtor's license. I think you enjoy looking as much as the thought of moving in. You'd be good at selling houses.

-- Anonymous, July 15, 2001


At the moment, I'm sick and tired of looking at houses. I know everything within a 50 mile radius that is for sale within the price range. Saying that, I still check daily to see if something new has popped up.

Anyone wanting to see what the house looks like via realtor.com, follow this Link .

-- Anonymous, July 15, 2001

"Seems like they want 160K instead of the 135K that they advertised." I know you know that's illegal (or should be in your state), but given that little ploy, you have to wonder what else they have up their sleeves? You were right to get out of the deal; it was fraught with all kinds of trouble.

Good luck on the new one!

-- Anonymous, July 15, 2001

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