MEN's is adding a Countryside look-a-like department : LUSENET : Countryside : One Thread

Mother Earth New's in their just out Aug./Sept. issue is adding a department to their mag. called "Firsthand Reports from the Field" where readers can write in and contribute stories. They are going to pay $100 for each one they publish. They say at least 1 report will be published in each issue.

-- TomK (, July 16, 2001


Gosh Tom, thanks for passing this along. Hopefully someone on this forum can take advantage of the offer

-- Elizabeth (, July 16, 2001.

Gracious, what is the submission address?

-- Ken S. in WC TN (, July 16, 2001.

*laughing* Right Ken...

I can just see the dollar signs in Your eyes! Go for it.

Just don't forget were 'home' is!!!!!


-- Randle Gay (, July 16, 2001.

Ok Heres the low down,

length of article - - - - 700 to 1400 words double spaced and at least 1 photo if not more pertaining to article.

subject matter should be something that other readers could learn from and enjoy. (basically same type of articles that are in Countryside)

To file article, include your name,address and phone number. also if you are willing to answer questions from others then issue a OK statement along with name,city state,phone and or e-mail so they can post it on their web site.

Send it to: Firsthand Reports,Mother Earth News,1503 SW 42nd St.,Topeka,KS. 66609; e-mail:


Also They are looking for input on some stories they are working on,

#1 Do you have a favorite handmade/homegrown gift to recommend? any photos? deadline by august 15th

#2 Your favorite seed company and why.

#3 Your favorite wood,coal,or masonry stove or furnace model,and why.

#4 Your favorite homemade ice cream recipe.

#5 Observations on the ability of chickens or turkeys to control pest,insects and ticks.

#6 Energy conservation tips.

#7 Favorite bumper stickers.

Send to same address above and if they use your comments they will send you a MEN tote bag.

-- TomK (, July 16, 2001.

Shoot why don't they save thier money and just look at this forum! Heck, there is at least $1 million a month worth of good ideas here!

-- Karen (, July 16, 2001.

"Amen to that Karen"

-- Russell Hays (, July 16, 2001.

Sounds like they're trying to recapture the old MEN's "Report From Them That's Doin' " section. Oldtimers will remember it as a collection of reports from the field, so to speak. More interesting is this: Why has Mother chosen now to bring the idea back?

-- Cash (,), July 17, 2001.

Why has Mother chosen now to bring the idea back?

Good question Cash. A few months ago Mother Earth News was sold to an outfit in Topeka Kansas. I understand a lot of the work is still being done in Manhattan, and even though the new publisher told me they didn’t have any editorial changes planned, I see what looks like an attempt to get back to the “old” Mother Earth News.

Among other clues, I came across a promotional piece just yesterday that stated “Each issue is full of ideas from our readers who share a wealth of knowledge on a wide variety of subjects.” That’s news to me, but maybe they meant the NEXT issue will be.

I wish you hadn’t told Ken about the $100 though. He usually works for comfrey.

-- Dave (, July 17, 2001.

Dave, they changed their cover logo on this issue, it use to say "The Original Country Magazine" now it says "The Original Guide To Living Wisely" And I must admit that this new Aug/Sept. issue is a far better issue then they have put out for awhile. It still has the Yuppie trend though running thru it.

-- TomK (, July 17, 2001.


Have no fear, I know where home is. However, a TMEN feather in my cap, well...

Ken S.

-- Ken S. in WC TN (, July 17, 2001.

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