VHS to VCD, is it better to be in MPEG or AVI format?

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Video CD : One Thread

Hello, I can save my VHS tape in either MPEG or AVI format and I would like to know which is the prefer format to burn it to VCD. In addition I would like to know if there is any freeware availible to create VCD chapter menus.

Thank you,


-- Joy Wong (jjllww@hotmail.com), July 22, 2001


Hello, I can save my VHS or DVD tape in either MPEG. I would like to know which is the prefer format to burn it to VCD. Thank you,


-- Alberto lozano c. (sistemasmine@tutopia.com), July 23, 2001.

VCD format must respect some specs. If you need to play the VCD you produced on Home DVD Players, you must respect these specs.

Frame format (PAL) 352x288 Video Bitrate 1150 kbit/sec Audio Bitrate 224 or 192 kbit/sec

To perfectly encode your source (AVI preferred), you can use TMPEnc, wich is freeware, easy to find in internet.

Burn with Nero or Adaptec SW, using the VCD profile.

Good luck


-- luigi (luigibra@libero.it), July 27, 2001.

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