Bonaparte's, Little and Ring-Billed Gulls Up Close : LUSENET : Bird Photography : One Thread

Directions follow for Nahant Bay-Lynn Harbor that provides close approach to the named species.

From the Central Artery through Boston just continue on Rt. 1 north. At Lynnfield get off on Rt. 129 EAST (beware 129 west exit is 2 miles earlier) and just follow this all the way to Lynn Beach(maybe 6-7 miles), turn right on Lynn Shore Drive, follow along Nahant Bay until you come to the rotary at the base of the Nahant Causeway. The flock of Bonaparte's are often present on the beach right by the bathhouse at the rotary and there is a small parking lot. If not there check for them all along Lynn Shore Drive to the Swampscott border or down the causeway on Short Beach between Little Nahant and Nahant.

-- Sean T Noonan (, July 23, 2001

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