heat sink

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does the cool master which you sell for £17 need heat transfer compound or is the black stuff thats already on it all that is required? Please reply as soon as possible.

-- willlaslett (willlaslett@hotmail.com), August 03, 2001


The 'Black Stuff' is a thermal strip and requires no extra additives

-- John Holroyd (johnh@aone.co.uk), August 08, 2001.

aarrrgghhhh!!!!. My advice is this, when you get a heatsink, scrape off that cr!p stuff thats stuck to it with a stnaley blade, but be careful not to cut yourself or to scratch the base of the h/s. Then get yourself some Artic Silver II, Im sure A1 sells it. Follow the instructions at www.articsilver.com and youre away. Much better than that horrible pad. And your CPU temps will thank you for it aswell.

-- Bod (m.booth@lineone.net), August 19, 2001.

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