US job losses : LUSENET : Grassroots Information Coordination Center (GICC) : One Thread

42,000 manufacturing jobs were lost in the US in July.
632,000 manufacturing jobs have been lost this year.
Electrical equipment jobs in July (24,000)
Industrial machinery jobs in July (21,000)

Bureau of Labor Statistics

-- spider (, August 04, 2001


I wonder when all of these job losses are going to show up in the monthly unemployment reports. They never seem to.

-- Uncle Fred (, August 04, 2001.

I was recently unemployed for 3 months and was not eligable for unemployemt benefits because I quit. I'll bet that I was not counted in the official statistics, which seem to be tied to filings for unemployment benefits. I also have a friend who has been unemployed for over a year and no longer draws any benefits. Most likely he is also not being counted. The Governmnt's numbers don't seem to represent reality.

-- Job Seeker (JS5142@aol.con), August 06, 2001.

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