Can we run without the fairings? : LUSENET : MV Agusta F4 : One Thread

Is this possible? Any dangers, I'm not considering? The heat can escape much easier and would be more of a pleasant ride. Plus people will fall on their knees seeing the pre-Brutale.

-- mod (, August 06, 2001


Fall on their knees vomiting more like....The Brutale was designed as a naked bike - the F4 should only be seen with its clothes on!

-- PCD (, August 06, 2001.

My instincts tell me to side with PCD, but mod has a valid point. Who will be the first to present us with a full-on, custom F4? Maybe something with a half fairing and some flat bars. Me, I'm too pussy to mess with the sacred formula and venture very far from stock. Wouldn't want to compromise any potential resale value! But imagine the possibilities...

-- Chris Eden (, August 06, 2001.

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