Curtis Fleming's testimonial : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

Only 9.5 thousand showed up. I'm living in dread of Rob Lee getting a similar number at SJP: I only know three people who are definitely going and I'm one of them!

-- Anonymous, August 06, 2001


Having said that, the club increasing the price of Intertoto tickets as we progressed through the competition can't have helped.

-- Anonymous, August 06, 2001

The price of intertoto tix isn't bad for kids Dougal.

-- Anonymous, August 06, 2001

My guestimate for Lees match is 27000.

-- Anonymous, August 06, 2001

Dave, this is unplanned revenue and I believe we'd have had another 4000 there last week had the club not put the prices up. To help goodwill, which has been leaking from that club for years, they should have kept the prices the same until and IF we qualify for Europe. With the home leg of the final, the club will have made well over a million pounds in gates alone - all of it excess to what was predicted. SK, I'll be surprised if it's that many - he has made the ticket price £20 which, IMHO, is way too much for a friendly, and there's a lot of feeling about Lee (ie. that he has only hung around this long to pick up big wages). I'd say 20,000 at best.

-- Anonymous, August 06, 2001

Dougal we'd have had another 10000 if we could have got through on the phone. Many like me must have given it a miss after the third day of engaged tones (although thanks for your offer to sort me out). The truth is the ticket office wasn't ready for a big demand as they rely on a lot of students manning the phones & we're out of term right now.

-- Anonymous, August 06, 2001

Well, there's that as well...

-- Anonymous, August 07, 2001

I know 5 people who are going - plus Dougal so that makes six!

-- Anonymous, August 08, 2001

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