Scapegoat : LUSENET : orienteer kansas : One Thread

This past weekend the Swampfox ran a brilliant race to capture his 3rd Scapegoat title. After the race the Swampfox had this to say about the run: "My engine was running smoother than a damn NASCAR race car prepped to perfection. I was purring up the hills, and scorchin' right back down the other side. I was basically awesome in all respects, if you will allow a brief departure from my usual humility and humbleness." The Swampfox modestly attributed his victory "mostly to the generous use of an assortment of entirely illegal performance-enhancing drugs." "And Mountain Dew." For complete coverage of the race plus thrilling photos, simply walk down to your friendly corner newsstand and purchase today's New York Times and thumb to the Monday Orienteering section.

-- Swampfox (, August 27, 2001


How about scanning the map so we can all check out the course?

-- Michael (, August 27, 2001.

Check it out at the 1000 Day web site. Go to: and click on "Even More Stuff"

-- Swampfox (, August 28, 2001.

"In a recent meeting of several key 1000 Day officials, we voted on several "Best of" categories. Winning in the blog category was Spike's very fine blog."

Now that the Scapegoat map and commentary are up, the only thing missing from the 1000 days page is a link to the "Best" blog!

-- Michael (, August 28, 2001.

The only thing missing from the 1000 Day page is a link to my album "Electric Ladyland". There are some groovy sounds there, especially the seagulls played on the electric guitar. Play on, freak men, and let your blue flag wave!

-- Jimi (, August 29, 2001.

Swampfox, thanks for posting your routes and comments. I finally managed to read it. It was interesting.

-- Michael (, September 01, 2001.

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