155A &199A Speedlites

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Canon FD : One Thread

I want to get a new flash and need some info. Anyone know where I can find documentation on the relative differences between the 155A and the 199A? Or can anyone just tell me. Can't seem to find the archives at Canon.com. Thanks.

-- Eric H (eghama@aloha.net), August 30, 2001


Hi Eric,

To begin, the 155A is four models down the line from the 199A. Its ASA 100 guide number is 56(17) in feet/meters. The 199A is GN 100 (30). The 199A allows three automatic apertures, the 155A only two. It lacks the smallest auto aperture of the 199A. Maximum auto shooting distance is 35 ft. vs. 20 ft. The 199A can take a wide adapter that allows coverage for a 24mm lens. The 199A is the only A- series flash that offers bounce capability. There are other minor differences, including weight.

If you want more flexibility, a 299T works very well with A-series cameras. It offers a program mode and a great automatic mode which allows you to preset apertures from 2.0 to 22. It has built-in zoom from 28-85mm. It bounces and swivels, so you can use bounce flash with a vertical camera position.

Hope this helps!

-- Alan Swartz (swartz@tyler.net), August 30, 2001.

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