England Versus Gerrmany

greenspun.com : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

Anyone doing anything exciting during the game tomorrow?

Is anyone not watching it?

And .... how many will we win by?

-- Anonymous, August 31, 2001


nah... I think I'll cut the grass instead.... ; p

-- Anonymous, August 31, 2001

........ celebrating, I hope!

-- Anonymous, August 31, 2001

I'm thinking about setting up a TV in Neutral teritory between my house and my German neighbours.(the middle of my Lawn) Perhaps biuld a small stadium, having Germans on one side and English on the other. Only problem is the weather, looks like it's going to rain.

-- Anonymous, August 31, 2001

.... just resist the temptation to dig trenchs! Trust me.

-- Anonymous, August 31, 2001

Clarky , I've already biult a guard tower in the garden. next time you drive past my house have a look ..... i'm not joking.

-- Anonymous, August 31, 2001

... I've been trying to avoid the searchlight for weeks already, Rik!

-- Anonymous, August 31, 2001

Zis ees nicht zehr funny, no? Ve vill tonk ze pantzers off you Ingleesh dogs. In ze rare opportunity zat you vill vinn, ve haf already drawn ze fix so zat vw vill play ze Bellaruskis oder de Yuk-Rainians. You marken mine vorten, ve vill winn dis cup oder I vill hev to shoot somebodies.

-- Anonymous, August 31, 2001

I've just pulled Heskey out of the hat in the office sweepstake for first scorer so I guess I don't really want my Germany 5-0 score line prediction to come true now....I'll have to settle for 5-1 to the Germans as long as Heskey scores first :))

-- Anonymous, August 31, 2001

What time's ko?

-- Anonymous, August 31, 2001

The good old beeb's cover starts at 20 to 6 tomorrow afternoon I do believe, so that means Sky starting about 7 tomorrow morning to make sure they get a reasonable number of ads aired. :-))

-- Anonymous, August 31, 2001

I reckon it'll kick off at around 10pm this evening and again after the match :-((

-- Anonymous, August 31, 2001

so, er...what time's ko?

-- Anonymous, August 31, 2001

Six pm I think, Dan.

-- Anonymous, August 31, 2001

Kick off is 6:30. Coverage starts on Sky at 5:30.

-- Anonymous, August 31, 2001

Well, I didn't watch the Ireland v. Holland game, what a result for the Republic, just goes to show anything can happen in football.

-- Anonymous, September 01, 2001

What a bloody farce - there's no streaming of bbc Radio five for "sportings rights" reasons, this takes the F#ckin biscuit it really does, any alt's folk?

-- Anonymous, September 01, 2001

well at least I can read all about it with Sporting life feed, outragious about sums it up....currently 5-1.....what money before the whistle eh?

-- Anonymous, September 01, 2001

So, were we really 4 goals better than The Hun? On small things do games change. A couple of borderline decisions which could have gone either way and for once, we got the decisions. A canny performance.

Now then Clarky, remind me, just how much was it you were offering for my ticket on Wednesday??

-- Anonymous, September 01, 2001

Deissler missed how many openings? What was Jancker doing heading back in front of an open goal? Astonishing stuff. Hargreaves and Mcmanamanamanamanamanaman started fecking things up at the end by trying to slow it down as the Jormans had tried during the 10 minutes they were still at the races. Amazing: English style huff and puff with a few players who can pass and finish has to be the most watchable and devastating football in the world. Keep your diving and give me more of that. If the bbc don't retrieve that sound byte of Alan Hansen referring to Ingerland as "we" then there should be an Govt inquiry. Reidy was funny as well, like a bloke that can take it in good humour when he's made a tit of himself (Oliver Khan as best keeper in the world?) and hope he twatted Lawrenson after the show.

-- Anonymous, September 01, 2001

Is there anyone on this bbs who STILL thinks Vegetables should have got the job?!!

-- Anonymous, September 01, 2001

yeh I do Jacko ... at the Boro


-- Anonymous, September 01, 2001

I've had worse days in Deutschland!

I think I'll watch German TV for the rest of the evening - that should be a laugh. :o))

-- Anonymous, September 01, 2001

Wonderful, wonderful night to be an Engerland fan - about as scarce on rocking horse dood on here!

Brilliant offensively; crap defensively - bit like watching the Toon actually. Thought our nemesis, YMO, was sensational.

Enjoyed the performance so much I've just been on Ticketmaster and bought a ticket for the Albania game, as Screacher turned down the £50 I offered him for his last weekend - probably the drink!

-- Anonymous, September 01, 2001

Must admit Clarky, they deserve a full house on Wednesday, even if it is just to applaud them for tonights performance. Excellent stuff. (:o)

-- Anonymous, September 01, 2001

Right, so who taped the match? I'll be over in December and I want to see it. Congrats!!

-- Anonymous, September 01, 2001

Great stuff the match was :)

I am a bit ashamed to admitting to phoning in teletext, but before SGE was appointed I phoned in to say he should be the next England manager - the options were him, Venables, Bryan / Bobby Robson and a couple of others. I think Erikson got about 5% of the votes.

Bobby Robson said in the Times that England would win with pace and perspiration - how closer to the truth can you get?

Now cue Liverpool fans gloating about how it would have been 1-0 to Germany without their players.

I had to eat my words like, I said 2-1 to the Germans (although I had Ireland to win 1-0 :) )

-- Anonymous, September 01, 2001

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