Latest from Wor Laurent : LUSENET : Unofficial Newcastle United Football Club BBS : One Thread

As ever, excuse my translation. There's a lot of shite this week, so I'm summarising a bit:

1) What has reaction to the result of the England-Germany game been?

Dunno, I'm on holiday in Montpellier but I imagine everyone's really excited and happy about it.

2) Weren't you supposed to be training this morning?

Yes, but as tomorrow is our day off, the boss said I could stay in Montpellier. I'm actually in Paris this afternoon to sort out some papers but I'm going back to Montpellier later and will go back into training on Wednesday morning.

3) Did you watch France v Chile?#

It was my son's first birthday so I only saw a bit of it....the French team doesn't have anything to worry about..just make a few adjustments and everything will be fine.

4) How does training in England and France compare?

It's similar in many ways - you do ball skills and fitness work. Where it differs is that,. even in practice games, they are really committed and put in some really hard tackles. The commitment is really incredible.

5) Were you surprised?

I wasn't expecting anything like that but I quickly learnt (laughs). I told a player who tackled me hard to stop it, and he explained that as long as you don't go overboard, you play like that in training.

6) What are match preparations like?

When we played Sunderland a week ago, we trained the day before, then met at the ground to have lunch together. When you arrive in the dressing room, it's amazing - there's background music and everyone is chattering and having a laugh. It was surprising but pleasant all the same.

7) What do you have to say to your supporters in Paris?

Blah blah - haven't forgotten them, but we are just settling into our new house blah blah.

-- Anonymous, September 03, 2001


Hard tackle? Quinn was it?

-- Anonymous, September 03, 2001

Cheers for posting that. Presumably one of the "adjustments" needed by France is his own inclusion!! Interesting what he notes about the atmosphere in the toon dressing room pre-match - the English way??

-- Anonymous, September 03, 2001

Any correlation, I wonder, between hard tackling in training and ALL OUR FUCKING INJURIES? Just a thought.

-- Anonymous, September 03, 2001

Thanks, Dougal. BTW, what's the French for "blah blah"? ;-)

Loony, dunno about the norm for EPL clubs(or anywhere else for that matter), but most of the teams in WUSA and DC United play music and carry on before a match. One of the teams had a rowdy game of head tennis the day kick off was delayed nearly an hour due to severe weather. DCU even has a large screen tv and ping pong table in their dressing room. I was kinda suprised actually, as I"d have thought most players would want/need to concentrate.

-- Anonymous, September 03, 2001

So Robert and Shearer each have a son born on the exact same day: wonder if they'll ever talk enough to find this out.

-- Anonymous, September 03, 2001

Ciara - itīs all so different in the sheds before big games out in Sydney for example. The player intensity for at least 1-1.5 hours before a rugby league or Aussie Rules match is there for anyone to experience. You can maybe chalk some of that up to preparing for more physical encounters than footy, but frankly a lot of it is individual and group mental preparation. It never ceases to amaze me when I see many foota players go out for a kickabout not long before a game and are plainly only going through the motions, having a good laugh with each another etc. Not entirely sure at what point they start to focus on their upcoming roles for their team ...

-- Anonymous, September 03, 2001

I guess it really differs by player/team. The Mexican women's team played music in the bus and dressing room, but were very focused and serious in their preparation. So I guess I can see where some players have trouble adjusting to the culture of certain teams. I do notice some individual players tending to find their own quiet corner. Also towards the end of the season, the Freedom had a minister come in to hold a prayer service for some of the players. Then again, maybe they were just desperate for any help they could get to win a match. ;-)

The only time a WUSA team came through and had near total silence in the dressing room pre-match, they lost. Usually there is a sense of teams getting themselves gee'd up for the match. This particular team was so laid back, they were practically comatose. Just about literally had to drag them out for warm-ups and kick-off. They found a happier medium the next time they came to town. And won. ;-)

-- Anonymous, September 03, 2001

What kind of background music would be played in the dressing room? Didn't Gullit ban Pearce's headbanging stuff? Perhaps Shearer's alleged Celine f**&ing Dion gets an airing.

-- Anonymous, September 04, 2001

Jeez, where'd you get that rumour Bobby? Wouldn't say no mesell mind!

-- Anonymous, September 04, 2001

You can't say anything on this BBS without a smart arse turning up ;-)

-- Anonymous, September 04, 2001

......actually, I'm more of a tit man mesell, Bobby! ;o{)

-- Anonymous, September 04, 2001

Sigh :-)

-- Anonymous, September 04, 2001

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